All Coronaviruses past ones and the present one follow seasonal waves with the winters experiencing upsurges and the dry summers experiencing drop off. The second wave (depending on when the first wave hit a region) has a lower amplitude regardless of masks and lockdowns (which only tweet the numbers very slightly and then they follow back to the regular pattern.) This can be seen by comparing similar demographic and similar climatic region countrys.
The new religious leaders will and do claim that their mask and lockdown incantations are responsible for declining waves but the large scale data proves this false (now that we have almost a year of it.) They will also justify that their measures need be implemented when tests reveal increased cases... also spurious and easily proved wrong by genuine data analysis rather than political posturing.
Here is a link to the growing number of researchers and scientists who concur (now over 12,000) Here is a link to Ivor cummins podcast. He is a data analyst and has nothing but credible guests who are epidemiologists, virologists, doctors, and other related professions. They are all easy to verify, long career people: I haven't had time to check but he probably has a new updated by now.
Here is my original editorial on the new Coronavirus lockdown religion: The world panicked (reasonably) in February when we didn't know what was happening and then we rushed to follow the lead of an authoritarian, if not totalitarian, country called China and forgo all longstanding protocol on Coronaviruses (one is still posted on the WHO website.)
Everyone adopted the lockdown / mask dogma despite it's EXTREMELY marginal utlility in fighting a Coronavirus and simultaneously the consensus seeking crowd has accumulated a lot of blood on their hands for, depression, suicide, child abuse increases, starvation and financial ruination (mostly of people with multiple higher 'quality adjusted life years' ahead of them... Yes, look up the concept)... none of which they see fit to count.
Once you remove the death figures of "dry tinder" (everyone that was very aged and weak, week from serious underlying conditions of diabetes, cancer ets that would have died from a severe flu or any other of the Coronaviruses that have recurred, every few years forever, then the virus death numbers are very low.
Many of the so called "new infections" are people who will never suffer more than mild symptoms and would never have been counted but for the test-industrial-complex.
The 100X of Bonnie Henry's (BC) of the world doubled down after they became new stars stuck in the limelight. These politically motivated types started a snowball rolling down hill and by the time they realized they should themselves question it, it was too late. Jumping in front of a rolling snowball gets you run over. Spurious accusations of being a "granny killer" do not sit well with a politically motivated person. Instead these newly appointed authority figures chose the safest path for their own selfish reasons, which was to just continue running behind in the path cleared by the rolling snowball.
The sheeple adore them and worship their newly created "cargo cult” leaders. In fact the health authority gurus have been elevated to a god-like status of Easter Island fame. All resources are given to the idols to ward off imagined assaults. In the meantime everyone starves, dies of drug overdoses, loses their businesses, takes the 9mm exit, and children and families suffer more and more due to this EXTREME stupidity. Rationality, epidemiological data, statistics, wide perspectives including ratiometics on quality adjusted life years, externalized death accounting are all considered a blasphemous topic in the new dogma.
Eventually the world will cast aside these idols but by then new authoritarian actors that were waiting in the wings -so to speak- to fill the void will want to step in. Hopefully these crypto-fascists will not form a new totalitarian world order of suspended rights and emergency measures, in post-enlightenment countries the world over, but this is quite uncertain.
It is the complicity crowd, the sheeple, yes, most of you out there, that refuse to question their own cargo-cult, flat earth thinking, that are now to blame... Yes, you ignorant fcuking sheeple who do what other's do only because you insist it is "common sense," you are to blame. History will judge you poorly.
Ivor Cummins scientifically covers the data, virology and epidemiology very well. But nobody wants to be identified as actually questioning it for fear of being called names like "tin-hat” or "conspiracy theorist"... Not the case. Here is a video that 99.9% will ignore out of lack of critical thinking skill: