You guys will give yourselves heart attacks...You could've sold long ago. You could've sold just days ago.....and moved your money into silver stocks and made your money back, for the most part.
But you say "I can't leave, I'm too far underwater".
This is not the reaction of a sane person, or a competent investor.
Let it go, boys.
Move on.
There is a train leaving the station almost every day. Do like stockmonster: put your money into a fast mover and make a fortune in weeks.
Listen to stockmonster. Stockmonster knows. And to those who cannot see it, and walk in his path....I pity you.
Stockmonster gave you all a gift. He showed your the way to financial recovery. Now, all you have to do is follow his example.
But many enjoy living in the abyss. Swirling aorund the 7th circle of financial hell.