To "Paytolate"Please keep on with the way you post here. You have now manage to ruin your presumed reputation and logic on this board. So if you hoped to bash this company, you have failed. If you you just can't control your self its a pitty, but it will not harm the shareprice.
You see....the good investors here.... with money, know that this takes time and will take about a year to really get moving, though the share price have started to move in an orderly way so that the contiously and slow move upwards can give us a better platform for the bigger move later this year. You sounds wery similar to a poster (from Germany) on another board, and I say to you as I said to that fellow.....
"I now say good bye to you because my time is more worth, than talking to you, when you are down in the bottomless pit you have dug so nicely for your future life."
Good bye