RE RE: Watched the LD micro cap presentationI would not read too much negative into the presentation, I am not sure I anticipated anything more,possibly a little more accuracy . I would say 5/10.-------- That being said ,(My views) of course, are in the definate minority , however I don't think Dyment has to focus on PR and winning contracts going forward,(nearly) to the scale of the past . his strength is technical and co-ordination.---- He's got someone coming in with him (GSI) to get these contracts ,there is no way he will get it done himself.---In the past , I believe I have used the term (partner) , and with Fidelity still buying large, and the share price (inching up) toward .80 , someone is working behind the scenes in Toronto,Seattle,Dallas, Philadelphia ,San Franciso , on these transit initiatives ,especially those in the pilot progress stages.----- This of course,is allowing Dyment to take a ''minor'' sidestep and rejoin the conferences on behalf of the company, in far out places,where ever they may be held. And that is certainly a good strategy, to continue with company exposure with the CEO, while his ''in coming partner'' works on the contracts.