Replies to VariousDreamers or distraction. Talking about the Turonian is a distraction. Yes Maka went down to the Turonian and high pressure foreced them to stop - so! Kawa´s not expected to go to the T. Reservoirs are expected in the Campanian and Santonian. Clearly lot a comments from psuedo geologies and non engineer types. At 20,000 feet grain to grain contacts cause disolution, quartz overgrowths..etc resulting in reduction of porosity and permeability. Also clay rich depositional system so may have fines plugging pore throats effecting pore fill and lowering well prodcutivity in success case. If gas/condensate is present then better fluid relative mobility migh allow for filling pore spaces but is challenging. But if gas, then its as good a dry hole. So blowing smoke and talking about your spheres is a little off topic.