More news. Hmmm.I like NXO. The news is to little to late. More news no revenue forcast. Passing deadlines. NXO is losing it's credability on their narrative. Aliis could be a game winner, big time. I am hopeful. I still have shares. I'm still watching. I will wait for a document that proves their narrative. Don't down 1212. Stuff his gun with powder and it may go off. Faith in NXO is weak right now. Let's hope; and eat a little humble pie. It's a penny stock. Talk is cheap. Paul is not Elon Musk. Elon talks and the entire globe moves. His words are back by documented proof. And for Mr. Bill Calker. He never lied. He informed us with what he was given. I definitly have his back. Not sure NXO did or does though.