Goldquest asks El Ing. Jose Ogando representante de la Goldquest en entrevista dice: “Solo pedimos se realicen estudios de factibilidad”
Eng. Jose Ogando, representative of Goldquest in an interview, says: "We only ask that feasibility studies be carried out" By: The Writing San Juan de la Maguana, D.R.- In an interview offered to our executive director Jose Alcntara "Jochi", Eng. Jose Ogando, representative of the mining company Goldquest, who seeks to approve the feasibility studies of the Romero Project, highlighted that mining they would not contaminate the waters of the San Juan river.
"This is a great opportunity to talk with the people of San Juan and the fishermen of the Sabaneta dam, as you can see this impressive natural resource does not flow through the Hoyo de Virola, note that it is a time of high rainfall, now that it happens that it is an area due to deforestation the dam is compromised its storage capacity is less than 50%, because it is full of sediment, it is full of earth which is what the rain carries when it falls into the water part of the river San Juan because since it does not have dawn, the erosive drag is extremely impressive," said Eng. Jose Ogando.
Ogando stated that the Goldquest company will contribute to the afforestation of the mountains around the Romero Project and also with the creation of more than 3,000 jobs for the entire area.
The Goldquest representative emphasized that they would not harm the waters of the San Juan river, and that none of those who tell that lie to the San Juan people, do not raise why the waters would be damaged, that it would be the complete opposite that it would provide healthier water for the Agriculture.
Mining in San Juan will not contaminate water Por: La Redaccin
San Juan de la Maguana, R.D.- En una entrevista ofrecida a nuestro director ejecutivo Jose Alcntara "Jochi", el Ing. Jose Ogando representante de la compaa minera Goldquest, que buscan sean aprobados los estudios de factibilidad del Proyecto Romero resalto que la explotacin minera no contaminaran las aguas del rio San Juan.
"Esta es una gran oportunidad para conversar con el pueblo de San Juan y los pescadores de la presa de Sabaneta, como ustedes pueden ver este impresionante recurso natural no vierte por el Hoyo de Virola, fjense que es un tiempo de alta pluviometra, ahora que ocurre que es un zona dada a su desforestacin la presa est comprometida su capacidad de almacenamiento es menos de un 50%, porque ella est llena de sedimento, est llena de tierra que es lo que arrastra la lluvia cuando cae en la parte agua del rio San Juan porque al no tener albores el arrastre erosivo es sumamente impresionante", manifest el Ing. Jose Ogando.
Ogando manifest que la compaa Goldquest contribuir con la forestacin de las montaas de todos los alrededores del Proyecto Romero y adems con la creacin de ms de 3 mil empleos para toda la zona.
El representante de la Goldquest enfatizo que no daaran las aguas del rio San Juan, y que ninguno de los que dicen esa mentira al pueblo San Juan, no plantean porque se daaran las aguas, que sera todo lo contrario que aportara un agua ms sana para la agricultura.
Explotacin minera en San Juan no contaminarn aguas