get in krishack ? More " we win with facts " Permit please EDDYS SENA @eddysena71 Replying to @eddysena71 @fisaogando and 4 others It is IRRATIONAL to think that the State would allow environmental damage in mining if it could happen. The same thing would happen if they said there is OIL there, they also opposed it. All our lives we will go against, never in favor of something that can work, and if not, then let it close. Let's try.
Julio D. Martnez C., MSc. @JuliusVip Replying to @RubenDavidFF @3_class and 12 others In the Falcondo urbanization, the tap water is drinkable. And I'm 45 taking it myself and my whole family. The Bonao community takes it from the public key.
Julio D. Martnez C., MSc. @JuliusVip Replying to @RubenDavidFF @3_clase and 12 others And the successful fish farming of Lake Hatillo and the extensive agriculture of the lower Yuna.
Jose Antonio Rodriguez S. @JARS5963 Replying to @Melissa_Peguero @3_class and 10 others You are speculating and so you write above that your democratic rights are instilled in you. To affirm that those studies that involve the intervention of more than 100 disciplines of science are previously done is to have a feverish mind and closed to any debate.
@Glenis Happy@3_class Replying to @Melissa_Peguero @JARS5963 and 10 others This is how it should be, what happens is that these arguments do not apply to the El Romero mine, 1 it is not at the head of any river, 2 it is an underground mine and 3 chemicals will not be used, because the separation of the minerals will be done outside from the country. There is the technical and fight of interest.
Julio D. Martnez C., MSc.@JuliusVip Replying to @JuliusVip@Jeovannypc and 11 others With an ounce of gold at current prices, almost a million gallons of fresh river water and about 400,000 gallons of salty sea water can be made drinkable.
@Glenis Happy@3_class Replying to @Melissa_Peguero@JARS5963 and 10 others That's right, but said statements must be based on logical and ethical reasoning attached to the truth, and the authorities must intervene in the face of the evident coordinated campaign to hinder a legal process by private interests to a legal company through 146-71.
Jose Antonio Rodriguez S.@JARS5963 Replying to @Melissa_Peguero@3_clase and 10 others I repeat, now those who shoot at the shotguns are the pigeons. Sometimes we are forced to respond because, since they cannot technically refute us, they resort to offensive terms such as "sold out", "evil", etc. If you fire your cannon don't expect flowers to come back.
IsraelRoaH@IsraelRoaH1 Replying to @RalburquerqueR That's how my leader is, the president knows very well the mobile of the opposition, regarding the project. They feel like winners, betting on fattening the cow, so that later they can enjoy the delicacy.
IsraelRoaH@IsraelRoaH1 Replying to @luisabinader Excellent my president, this is how most of us Sanjuaneroa want to start Christmas, with the approval of the EIA, of the Romero project, I bet on you.
Robin Pichardo@rpichardo20633 Replying to @DrRomeroOficial@GQCMining and @LuisSantanaPer2 One question, I can support your opinion, but first, do you have proof of what you say? Or are they just words in the air like everyone else? What was it that was stolen?, in which part is it that they cheat?. Why are they predators?
Robin Pichardo @rpichardo20633 Replying to @DrRomeroOficial @GQCMining and @LuisSantanaPer2 Another question, I see that you are a doctor when they take a patient, do you make a diagnosis based on how you feel emotionally or do you do tests first? So doctor, you have already analyzed the project, you have already evaluated the data, do you know them?
Osiris de Leon @Osirisdleon Replying to @eddysena71 @MeraCJ74 and 2 others That's right Eddys. In this country they refute on academically specialized topics, and, knowing their shortcomings, they do not stop insulting because they want to pretend that they are experts even in nuclear physics, but, when the country goes to the PISA tests, this is the ugly global result
ILUV2BUYEM - All highlights mine .
@eddysena71 Replying to @eddysena71
@fisaogando and 4 others
Es IRRACIONAL pensar que el Estado permitira un dao ambiental en la minera si pudiera suceder. Lo mismo pasara si dijeran all hay PETRLEO, tambin se opusieran. Toda la vida iremos en contra, nunca a favor de algo que puede resultar, y si no, pues que se cierre. Intentemos.
Julio D. Martnez C., MSc.
@JuliusVip Replying to @RubenDavidFF
@3_clase and 12 others
En la urbanizacin Falcondo, el lagua del grifo es potable. Y tengo 45 tomndola yo y toda mi familia. La comunidad de Bonao la toma de la llave pblica.
Julio D. Martnez C., MSc.
@JuliusVip Replying to @RubenDavidFF @3_clase
and 12 others
Y la exitosa piscicultura del lago Hatillo y la extensa agricultura del bajo Yuna.
Jose Antonio Rodrguez S.
@JARS5963 Replying to @Melissa_Peguero
@3_clase and 10 others
Usted est especulando y as escribe ms arriba que se le inculcan sus derechos democrticos.
Afirmar que esos estudios que conllevan la intervencin de ms de 100 disciplinas de la ciencia estn previamente hechos es tener una mente calenturienta y cerrada a cualquier debate.
@Glenis Fliz@3_clase
Replying to @Melissa_Peguero
@JARS5963 and 10 others
As debe ser, lo que pasa es que esos argumentos no aplican para la mina El Romero, 1 no est en la cabecera de ningn ro, 2 es una mina subterrnea y 3 no se usaran qumicos, porque la separacin de los minerales se har fuera del pas.
Est lo tcnico y lucha de interes.
Julio D. Martnez C., MSc.@JuliusVip
Replying to @JuliusVip@Jeovannypc
and 11 others
Con una onza de oro al precio actual se puede potabilizar casi un milln de galones de agua dulce de ro y unos 400,000 galones de agua salada de mar.
@Glenis Fliz@3_clase
Replying to @Melissa_Peguero@JARS5963
and 10 others
As es, pero dichas manifestaciones deben sustentarse en el razonamiento lgico y tico apegados a la verdad, y las autoridades deben intervenir ante la evidente campaa coordinada para entorpecer un proceso legal por intereses particulares a una empresa legal por la 146-71.
Jose Antonio Rodrguez S.@JARS5963
Replying to @Melissa_Peguero@3_clase
and 10 others
Reitero, ahora quienes le tiran a las escopetas son las palomas. A veces nos vemos obligados a responder, ya que, como no pueden rebatirnos tcnicamente recurren a trminos ofensivos como "vendidos", "malvados", etc. Si usted dispara su can no espere que le devuelvan flores.
IsraelRoaH@IsraelRoaH1 Replying to
As es mi lder, el presidente sabe muy bien el Mvil de la oposicin, con respecto al proyecto. Se sienten ganadores, apostando a engordar la vaca, para luego ellos disfrutar el manjar.
Replying to @luisabinader
Excelente mi presidente, as queremos la mayora de los Sanjuaneroa iniciar la navidad, con la aprobacin del EIA, del proyecto Romero, apuesto a usted.
Robin Pichardo@rpichardo20633
Replying to @DrRomeroOficial@GQCMining
and @LuisSantanaPer2
Una pregunta, puedo apoyar tu opinin, pero antes, tienes prueba de eso que dices? O son solo palabras al aire como todos los dems? Que fue lo que se robaron?, en que parte es que engaan?. Por que son depredadores?
Robin Pichardo
@rpichardo20633 Replying to
@DrRomeroOficial @GQCMining
and @LuisSantanaPer2
Otra pregunta, veo que eres mdico cuando te llevan un paciente, le emites un diagnstico basado en como usted se siente emocionalmente o usted hace pruebas primero? Entonces doctor, usted ya hizo anlisis del proyecto, ya evalu los datos, los conoce?
Osiris de Len
@Osirisdleon Replying to @eddysena71
@MeraCJ74 and 2 others
As es Eddys.
En este pas se refuta sobre temas acadmicamente especializados, y, por saber de sus falencias, no paran de insultar porque quieren aparentar que son expertos hasta en fsica nuclear, pero, cuando el pas va a las pruebas PISA, este es el feo resultado global