More influential writings .Father, Politician, Writer, Lawyer graduated from UCE, transitory official-Proconsumer. Concrete objectives, without losing sight of justice and truth.
Exactly, that is what they should encourage, the people deserve to know the added and direct economic value per person that responsible mining generates, combined with the collective protection of the environment during the exploitation process and its effective regeneration.
Claudio Hanlet Roque Reinoso @Claudio_H_Roque Replying to @LMR93328465 and @3_class @fisaogando responsible mining!
Friend Ogando Falcondo has been operating for more than 50 years, Barrick for more than 12. I invite you and the others who speak of pollution to sue the polluting acts of these companies in court. Why is it that they don't? there is none!!
Padre, Poltico, Escritor, Abogado egresado UCE, funcionario transitorio-Proconsumidor. Objetivos concretos, sin perder de vista la justicia y la verdad.
Exacto, eso es lo que deben incentivar, el pueblo merece saber el valor econmico agregado y directo por persona que genera la minera responsable, combinado esto con la proteccin colectiva del medioambiente durante el proceso de explotacin y su regeneracin efectiva.
Claudio Hanlet Roque Reinoso
@Claudio_H_Roque @LMR93328465
minera responsable! Amigo Ogando Falcondo tiene ms de 50 aos operando, Barrick ms de 12. Invito a usted y los dems que hablan de contaminacin a que demanden en los tribunales los hechos contaminantes de ests empresas. Por qu ser que no lo hacen? no hay!!