Jeff Wilson CEO of PRG comments on GQCHis interview has been up for several hours at Crux Investors .
I watched it when it hit me so Im going by memory not exact quotes .
Not aware of any filings of arbitration .
We have said all along this will not take place . To costly and time consuming .
Of course he supports GQC and its path to explotation . This is NOT a political issue from the Prezs office . This is a LOCAL political issue and JW says they all need to get the LOCALS on side . It is not as if the DR is anti mining . They support it , but the DR feds are saying you have work to do to get local support .
And our new CEO is doing a great job of just that !
PRG is ready with all permits drills and the will to go back to the DR . Jeff has been there several times in the last few months meeting with politicians and business in support of PRG and GQC .
All for now .