What is their management doing???They hyped up the Ear Falls project with multiple >1% Li grab and channel samples. No composites were completed. Six of the seven drill holes shut down in lithium mineralization! They drilled the outcrop with AQ. A tiny drill to get around the permit process and probably very susceptible to poor recovery and not as representative as NQ. They even tried drilling parallel to the pegmatite on EF23-05? Surely a simple review of the outcrop and pegmatite trend could identified a plunge direction...
"The 2023 stripping and channel sampling program only outlined the pegmatites zone up to 9.52m due to the disturbance limitation allowed for stripping on surface under our initial permit" --> this tells me they channel sampled exposed bedrock and could not excavate the rest of the outcrop mechanically, e.g, NO PERMIT.
If you ask me, management needs to rethink their PR timing to properly reflect adequate news and not just pushing PR for hypes sake. Also, saying they have a permit when they likely don't is just nuts.