My takeIf I were to cast about looking for some congruency between GSI, -in terms of the share price performance compared to some other stock, my choice would be BioRem, symbol BRM.V.
I bought BRM when it was .55 and it just did nothing! In fact, after my purchase it went into the mid forties. Even though the financials were stellar and the company had lots of back orders the stock just languished. Does that sound familiar?
Then suddenly it moved into the $1.00 range and hung there for a long time, and then one day it just exploded to $1.89. So, to look at GSI through the lens of daily performance will only make you miserable. Both stocks are micros both make money, (a rarity for micros) and both are well managed, -though not above criticism of course as Ramman1 notes in his morning post. But he also notes and I quote him: “However the core quality of the GSI products remains intact.” So on these fluctuations and periods of dismal performance where nothing happens you just “gotta be patient” -and thick-skinned, but it ain’t bloody pleasant.
And yes, I see BRM is at $2.12 today.