RE:RE:RE:GSI Up Decently TodayConcentrate on the re-occur revenues from the MDC's program ,that's the huge potential forward ,in addition to the ''steel wheel'' initiative ,where we have one of the few already certified products to meet the new regulations . . --O/K : 1200 MDC's under contract ''before'' , the new data centre . --- Target is to have 10000 MDC's hooked up 1 year from new centre opening. Already , in May P/R ,1400 more MDC's plus all new busses from that company . Factor in many new hook-ups from small operators ,and get 3700-4000 ??? already??. --Then figure ,there are 50000 MDC's already out in clients busses ,(not on shelves) that are waiting for our sales team to call. --For just $30/month/per bus, ( U.S) ,those bus operators can get maximum safety and up to date monitoring coverage. The POTENTIAL is huge . --Maybe somebody between drinks calculated the re-occur rev's on 10000 MDC's.---The company target looks very easy to acheive ----After that 10000 figure is filled , there is potentially up to 40000 more in addition, not to mention new contracts .The value to a bus operator is ''very compelling ''. --Someone(s) did the math here to today , and ''SAID'', WOW there is a lot to like if our sales teams can get the job done,and they like the potential . Lets wait and see ??