so whats this about????? Early warning filing from sedar...see below...dwdc
On November 11, 2024, Dr. Tong, through TKO, indirectly acquired ownership of, or
control or direction over, from a single vendor as a private acquisition via a married trade
completed through the facilities of the SGX, a total of 183,246,925 ordinary shares of
Avarga (the “Acquisition”). Following the completion of the Acquisition, Dr. Tong will
own directly or indirectly, or exercise control or direction over, 481,493,925 ordinary
shares of Avarga, representing approximately 53.0% of the total number of issued and
outstanding ordinary shares of Avarga. Dr. Tong may, in the future, increase or decrease
his beneficial ownership, control or direction over securities of Avarga in accordance with
applicable laws. Avarga currently owns, directly or indirectly, or exercises control or
direction over 77,708,814 common shares of Taiga, representing approximately 69.7% of
the total number of issued and outstanding common shares of Taiga. Prior to the
Acquisition, Dr. Tong did not own, directly or indirectly, or exercise control or direction
over any common shares of Taiga (other than an indirect interest through his beneficial
interest in shares in Avarga). After the completion of the Acquisition, Dr. Tong will own,
directly or indirectly, or exercise control or direction over, 77,708,814 common shares of
Taiga, representing approximately 69.7% of the total number of issued and outstanding
common shares of Taiga. This change will represent an increase of approximately 69.7%
in the total number of issued and outstanding common shares of Taiga controlled by Dr.