SO: Going back to the Q3 reportWE invested in manpower/tech /increased exposure to trade shows/ ALL GOOD.-- So with 6.5 mil rev . and 9.254 million in bank /Q3, why would our man select to declare a loss on continuing operations of $517132 when technically,( ''there was no loss''). .--- INCREDIBLE/ Makes no sense. One can easily realize the money was spent , why not report operations as such with an (ongoing profit which there was) , , and (take your investment in the company out of your ''cash slug''). I realize it's 6of1/half dozen of the other , but wacko reports like that just gives the manipulators months more to play with, and now we see the results. Down from PRE Q3 at .74 to.54 ,and barely climbing up to .62 with no reason other than opening doors for manipulators to do thier thing. I can quickly see past this ,but obviously many cannot.--Incidently ,I might point out to investors ,''your shares are at .62''.Content with that ????