RE:Whilst I appreciate the banter and the updates on NAV etcJust look at the chart for FTN and several other SPLIT venues.
They run in definite cycles, which are reasonably predictable.
How often have these venues "tanked", wiping out all of the distribution gains, as well as a siginificant portion of the "principle?"
Buying and selling the swings isn't always a slam dunk, but it works very well, often doubling or quadrupling the distribution, while preserving all of the principle.
Preserving principle is paramount.
If buying and holding makes you sleep more comfortably, go for it.
Many folks don't have time to self direct their portfolios and often don't even have a plan or direction to their investing, other than to make a profit. They also rely on a "broker/advisor"
For those who purchase SPLITs in smaller amounts, say 5k or less, and they are paying a broker to complete each transaction, playing the swings doesn't make much sense.
Many people just believe in "buy and hold" which is fine, until it isn't a good strategy.
SPLITs aren't for the faint of heart investor. You can lose everything you've gained overnight, depending on whims of the market.
I've spoken with people who believe these things are "no brainers" can't lose money on them. WRONG.
Do your own due diligence, pay attention to the charts, NAV swings of their holdings, etc.
Often, there is a "lag" effect, because to the holdings in the SPLIT.
The day to day NAV is OK, it should be used as a convenient "indicator" or supplemental indication of the value of the SPLIT.
It's what goes on behind the closed doors which catches us by surprise.
GLTA the good folks here.