RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:There Let's see, China's economy isn't keeping up to it's government's demands, so they're tanking the Yuan against the US$, Malaysia is creating a new "Special Economic Industrial Zone, Hong Kong is looking at loosening loan requirements.
That's just in the Far East, Brazil is unstable as is Venzuela, and a few other South American countries and Banks, such as BNS, BMO and CIBC are heavily invested in them.
BNS has been wearing the SA investments like an anchor for years.
Europe is preparing for War with a relatively small but very powerful for its size, Russia, with less than 150 million people, who has recently brought NK into the fray, soldiers for aircraft and money is the trade currency.
The world is in Flux. It's having effects on everyone and every financial institution known.
It's also creating huge environmental disasters. British Columbia for instance is harvesting every bit of timber they can, to produce pellets to fuel European electrical generators, because they shut down most of their Nuclear/Coal generators.
The pellets are worse for the environment than any coal.
It's all having an effect. How it plays out??????????
GLTA the good folks here.