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Goliath Resources Ltd V.GOT

Alternate Symbol(s):  GOTRF

Goliath Resources Limited is a Canada-based junior resource exploration company. The Company is an explorer of precious metals projects in the prolific Golden Triangle of northwestern British Columbia and Abitibi Greenstone Belt of Quebec. The Company owns 100% of the Golddigger property that covers an area of 52,756 hectares. The Homestake Ridge Deposit (Fury Gold Mines Limited), Dolly Varden Silver Mine (Dolly Varden Silver Corp.), and the Kinskuch Project (Hecla Mining Company) are in close proximity. The Golddigger Property consists of contiguous mineral claims located approximately 30 kilometers southeast of Stewart with tidewater access on Hastings Arm in the Golden Triangle of Northern British Columbia. The Luckystrike Property is located north of Terrace, British Columbia. The Company also owns a 10% interest in the DSM Syndicate projects. It has six mineral claim blocks, totaling 391 mineral claims, under Goliath's Nelligan East Project and Nelligan West Project.

TSXV:GOT - Post by User

Comment by Exploration2019on Jan 10, 2025 12:06am
Post# 36397253

RE:RE:RE:RE:Todays News

RE:RE:RE:RE:Todays NewsIt is a great intercept, but people always want more. Narrower can prove more challenging with underground mining (i.e. dilution from waste rock), but the grade is fantastic so shouldn't be an issue. The sell-off was an emotional reaction, people want 10-15m, this wasn't the case in thse announcements and that probably scared people. 
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