Think of the near term catalysts: Assays pending for 89/105 Assays Pending For 89 Out Of 105 Drill Holes From 2024:
50 holes drilled in 2024 (42 or 84% have visible and/or abundant visible gold including coarse-grained visible gold).
13 holes drilled into the Reduced Intrusive Dykes 2021-2023 (6 or 46% have visible and/or abundant visible gold).
14 relogged shoulders 2021 – 2023 (3 or 21% have visible and/or abundant visible gold).
12 drilled into volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) style mineralization at our newly discovered Treasure Island, 40 km to the north of the Surebet system.
GD-24-260 on Monday 13 January was insanely good and there are 89 drill holes pending....89 reasons why I am on the bid.