RE:RE:Lot's going on here Tropical ,stay awake .I think you got it ''all wrong'' Tropical. --Absolutely great/honest guy ,but you are not adding 1+1.------- I talked to my friend(mutual fund manger/large cap equities /U.S ) . His view from an independant view point ??.---He thinks we have 1 or more entities,possibly ,deep pocket investor(s) , probably fund manager(s) working thier way in . .------He says (1) They will buy THROUGH the exchange where the volume is highest with most exposure (TSX-V) and 100% certain they would use EXCLUSIVELY , a company MARKET MAKER to due so , (2) Looks like they are buying he says ---- (''on a time frame ') as opposed to buying( ''on volume')',giving Velocity Capital the chance to keep a stable share price while accumulating . (3) Fact they would go through Velocity Capital ?? : AH HA: Almost difinative he says , they are American, thats the trading house your company (GSI) is with . (4) Why have we heard very little from our CEO ??? : He says RAMMAN :Only the (REQUIRED minimum information) is normally given to investors during this period ,which is exactly what we are seeing. A fund(s) buying will not want the BOAT ROCKED during this stage . Don't forget ,WE ALL EAT/WE ALL GET FED------For us investors,let's just wait for financials and see how we feel then, in 1 week.