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Company Profile First Trust Indxx Innovative Transctn and Proc ETF T.BLCK

The fundamental investment objective of First Trust Indxx Innovative Transaction and Process ETF (the First Trust ETF) is to replicate, to the extent possible, the performance of an innovative transaction and process index. Currently, the First Trust ETF seeks to replicate, to the extent possible, the performance of the Indxx Blockchain Index (the Index), provided by Indxx, LLC, net of expenses... see more

Showcase News Releases

Showcase news

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Western Metallica Announces Bridge Financing
Cizzle Brands Corp.
Cizzle Brands Corporation Teams up with Hockey Influencer, Coach Chippy, to launch Tropical Flow, a Special Edition Coach Chippy Inspired Flavour of CWENCH Hydration
NexTech3D.AI Corp. Invites Shareholders to A Proactive CEO Livestream Demo of New AI Technology for Ecommerce & Events and Live Q&A on January 22nd 12pm EST

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