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How Technology Helps Build Shareholder Perception

Technology is fundamentally changing business platforms and the way managers and executive directors plan, operate, manage, market, communicate and make a profit in business. In fact, some of the best-known brands and successful entrepreneurs focus on and are driven by t...

2024, a breakthrough year for silver

By Chen Lin, For thousands of years, silver has been a globally recognized commodity. In China, silver was historically used as a standard form of currency, and the term “bank” in Chinese (银行) literally translates to “silver tradi...

good natured Products: transforming bio-based technology into earth-friendly products

Welcome to the Market Herald, I’m Simon Druker and you’re watching the Top Line. good natured Products Inc. is focused on transforming bio-based technology into earth-friendly products, available across the food sector. The Vancouver-ba...

Standard Lithium Closes Financing; Works Toward Completion of PFS

In this interview, the Critical Investor and the company CEO delve into the "impressive" capital raise and what it means for the junior's future. Building demonstration plant at Lanxess Project site After Standard Lithium Ltd. (SLL:TSX.V; STLHF:OTCQX)...

Akazoo Is Trading for a Song (for Now)

The disruptive forces of the Internet, technology, streaming and OTT [over-the-top] services are well known. They have not only created new industries but forced existing entities to change their business models in order to survive. This is particularly true of the media ...

China dominates worlds supply chains

Cleaner skies owing to covid-19 lockdowns appear to be the silver lining of the global economy crashing to a sudden halt in March. In fact new evidence shows that high-polluting energy sources were on the wane, even before the coronavirus pandemic. According to the I...

Uranium sector won’t catch a break

One week ago Cameco announced it will maintain low output levels until uranium prices recover. The Canadian uranium miner also said it might cut production further , having already closed four mines in Canada and laid off 2,000 of its workers in the uranium mining hub of Sa...

Got Gold Report: COMEX gold shorts fight breakout

HOUSTON – Gold broke out of its three-month triangular consolidation this past week, but as we mentioned in the blog, the breakout was strongly opposed by the “usual suspects” on the COMEX futures bourse. It is Game-On for gold! There has been an...