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Buzz on the Bullboards: Rebound, or smoke and mirrors?

Could the recent fears around banking stocks be washing away? Given the recent performance among major indices, it seems possible. Gold held steady as the usual investment haven and that played right into the hands of miners ready with fresh news. Reaping the fr...

dynaCERT, NEL ASA, McPhy - does hydrogen need nuclear power?

In Europe, hydrogen as an energy carrier is becoming the focus of debate, offering a more environmentally friendly and practicable alternative to the battery as an energy storage medium in mobility. The production of batteries is an environmental sin par excellence. Raw materi...

Bitcoin Trades Like the S&P 500, and is Testing Resistance

If you pay attention to the trends taking place on the Weekly Bitcoin chart, you’ll notice that it has reacted to the global market Covid-19 trends almost exclusively since the beginning of 2020. After the end of 2019, the US stock market rallied on Q4: 2019 ...

NASDAQ Set to Fall 1000pts In Early 2020, and What it Means for Gold

One of our most interesting predictive modeling system is the Adaptive Dynamic Learning (ADL) price modeling system. It is capable of learning from past price data, building price DNA chains and attempting to predict future price activity with a fairly high degree of accuracy....

ConocoPhillips (COP): Playing the crack spread

There’s a lot of talk about diversification and asset allocation on this website, and rightly so. While diversification can limit large short-term gains, it also protects against large short-term losses. Since the markets tend to be unpredictable, it&CloseC...

17 best payday loans online: Quick cash and fast approval this Christmas

If you face a financial emergency, traditional loans may not be a viable option if you have bad credit. So what can you do when you need quick cash – especially close if you need cash for Christmas gifts during the festive season? The best online payday loans are an a...

Massive Price Reversion May Be Days or Weeks Away

Our researcher team believes a massive global market price reversion/correction may be setting up and may only be a few days or weeks away from initiating. Our team of dedicated researchers and market analysts have been studying the markets, precious metals, and most recently ...

Black Monday 1987 vs 2019 - Part II

Our research team has been attempting to answer the question that seems to be on everyone's minds right now – are we setting up another Black Monday type of event in the global markets and what should traders/investors know before the event potentially takes place. Our researc...

How China will drive silver to $250

Once upon a time, the Chinese government forbade ownership of all precious metals. But now, the ban has been lifted. In fact, China just introduced silver bars for investment. And now, state-run China Central Television (CCTV) is running a campaign encouraging the populati...

FansUnite Has Launched into an Online Marketplace About to Set Fire as an Elixir for Fun-Starved ...

FansUnite Has Launched into an Online Marketplace About to Set Fire as an Elixir for Fun-Starved Fans Knox Henderson discusses the rise of online sports engagement platforms during stay-at-home orders and provides an update on FansUnite since it began trading on ...
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