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Bob Moriarty | You Can Take This to the Bank

Bob Moriarty the founder of the websites and sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable to discuss geopolitics, bursting bubbles, and some unique buying opportunities for speculators....

Buzz on the Bullboards: Doomsday clock ticks seconds to midnight

Trading activity has been picking up on Bay Street and Wall Street lately as investors shake off the winter hibernation doldrums. There hasn’t been any shortage of excitement on the trading floors these days, with Wall Street seeing legitimate bedlam ...

Sahm Unemployment Index and Gold

What is the difference between a recession and a depression? When your neighbor loses their job, it’s a recession. When you lose your job, that’s a depression! Not funny? Do not worry, we won’t make more jokes. Instead, we&C...

Will Repogeddon Make Gold Rally?

One of the most important recent developments in the world of finance was the September liquidity crisis in the U.S. repo market. As a reminder, the repo market is where borrowers borrow cash from lenders against collateral in the form of safe securities such as government bon...

Who Said Traders and Investor are Emotional Right Now?

Nearing the end of 2019, our research team continues to attempt to dissect the market rally in an effort to present credible research and timely insights to skilled technical traders. We recently authored a research article discussing the potential that the US Stock market is ...

Gold and the Political Theater: Is The Tail Wagging the Dog?

As the old saying goes, politics is a show business for ugly people. Fair enough, but what does it have to do with gold? Let’s jump right in and find out! There Is No Trade War Economic reports are rarely fun. But when we read the latest US trade ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Stocks Poised for Coronavirus Recovery?

Where do small-cap investors look when the markets are down? Go back a few weeks or months and you’ll see that the COVID 19 coronavirus was being brushed off by Wall Street. Fast forward to last week, and it seems like the other shoe has finally dropped, se...

Gold - Merciless sell-off in the paper gold market expected

Over the last three weeks all hell broke loose in worldwide financial markets sending basically all asset classes into a dramatic crash. While Gold reached a new all-time high just a week ago it now trades significantly lower. Has the Corona Virus Panic pinned the "everything ...

X-Terra's New Gold Discovery Could Be the Tip of a Large Gold System

Gold has the wind in its sails. Its price in U.S. dollars is up an astounding 62% since late 2015, with a 33% gain in just the past year, outpacing all major assets. And investors are only just starting to get interested. The Covid-19 pandemic and its economic impact ...

Why the US is Backing American Lithium

It’s a strategically symbolic investment that clearly demonstrates the US government’s determination to break China’s dominance of the global lithium trade. Now that lithium has been declared as critical to America&CloseCurly...
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