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A Revolution in Healthcare. A Transformative Investment Opportunity.

(Click image to play video) While the global COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on health and humanity over the past 12-month-plus, it has also invited a host of creative and innovative solutions to meet the needs of people who require a medical attention witho...

BIGG Digital Assets, NetCents, Northern Data - who is the best blockchain pearl?

The Blockchain phenomenon has kept the world in a state of excitement in the second half of 2017. A revolution by many young entrepreneurs and investors seemed to be on the way. Business models were springing up like mushrooms. There were almost no barriers to market entry, as...

POET Technologies: Making the Internet Faster

Headquartered in Toronto with operations in the US, Singapore and China – Poet Technologies has created the first-ever wafer-level integration of electronics and photonics into a single device called the POET Optical Interposer. The Interposer achieves electronics and pho...

New technology to screen for security threats

Liberty Defense Holdings ( TSXV:SCAN ) ( OTCQB:LDDFF ) has spent USD$30 million over the last two years developing a next generation threat detection solution for the aviation and the urban security market. The company recently announced sales and is making progress on a ...

Commercialization Accelerates for POET Technologies’ Platform Technology

At POET Technologies, we have been a company of “-ization”. We had a goal for the “legitimization” of photonics in the semiconductor industry and built a hybrid-integration solution to deliver on the “optimization&CloseCurlyDoub...

Coronavirus And The Coming Financial Revolution

The coronavirus pandemic is one of the biggest and unprecedented seismic shifts in the global economy that we've ever seen in modern history, and it's just getting started. Already, economies around the world are shutting down. The federal reserve has pumped trillions int...

Enthusiast Gaming, Facebook, Wirecard - access to the customer counts

Modern society lives in a business world. We allow ourselves to be controlled and guided consciously or unconsciously and make decisions on an ongoing basis. The advertising industry is omnipresent and access to the customer plays a decisive role. The social media and also the...

The Hottest Startup Of 2020 Is Cleaning Up Your Commute

Impact Investing. That's what they're calling it… And it's a movement that has grown by over 600% in the past decade. In fact, there are over $30 trillion in assets under management in portfolios with a focus on sustainable investments…and the revolution is showing no ...

BioNTech, Eastman Kodak, EXMceuticals - investors have the chance to profit

The importance of health has not been as clear for a long time as it was in 2020. Detached from the discussion about the specifics of COVID-19 on mortality compared to other viruses, the need for protection is great and helplessness without a medical response is harmful to the...

Next big shale gas boom

Which country has the most shale gas reserves outside of the United States and China? Canada? Nope. Australia? Wrong again. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Argentina ranks third in recoverable shale gas reserves. Argentina has 774 trill...
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