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Copper bulls ride on increased orders, mine disruptions

Hit hard by the pandemic when it first struck China in February, then again in March when it spread to the Middle East, Europe and North America, over the past month copper prices have ticked up, as economies gradually reopen and growth prospects improve. True to its “Dr. ...

Oil Price Fundamental Daily Forecast – Speculative Buyers Betting on Increasing Demand Growth

The momentum is currently to the upside and could pick up speed if speculators, betting on increased demand, can drive prices through last week’s highs with conviction. James Hyerczyk U.S. We...

Aphria, Cronos Group, EXMceuticals - it is a buyers' market!

The shares of numerous well-known and unknown cannabis companies have had a dramatic year 2019. Price losses of over 50% are not uncommon. What costs only half today may have become twice as attractive. Due to the large number of cannabis companies listed on the stock exchange...

Connect the Dots: A Speculator’s Paradise is Heating Up

The U.S. Federal Reserve and central banks around the world appear to have the printing presses going full tilt these days. This has fueled the greatest “V recovery” any buy the dip investor could have asked for. Tech stocks and pr...

Companies to Watch: Hey Bryan Media

Stockhouse Media Alert: Podcast and Video LIVE from the Vancouver Fall Home Show Cindy Broad of StockhouseMEDIA talks to Bryan Baeumler, HGTV Star, and Lance Montgomery, CEO & Founder of the freshly-launched Hey Bryan handyman app from the floor of the Vancouver Fall Hom...

Enthusiast Gaming, Facebook, Wirecard - access to the customer counts

Modern society lives in a business world. We allow ourselves to be controlled and guided consciously or unconsciously and make decisions on an ongoing basis. The advertising industry is omnipresent and access to the customer plays a decisive role. The social media and also the...

Biopharma + Blockchain = A Better Opportunity

Cannabis is an exciting, emerging sector, with enormous growth and investment potential for decades to come. Blockchain is a red-hot tech trend. Its proponents insist that this is revolutionary technology, with virtually limitless potential for future applications. Give...

Discover Online Value Through Advanced Intelligence Functionality

There are more than three billion social media users around the world. A company can only truly reach its full potential if it understands the depth of its online presence to connect with this audience; one Canadian artificial intelligence and machine learning Company ...

New Rugged Handset Could Be A Game Changer For Siyata Mobile

First responders deserve better. Their traditional land mobile radio (LMR) setups are clunky, offer only low data speeds, and have limited coverage with dead zones that often slow down response times. Siyata Mobile Inc. ( NASDAQ: SYTA , Forum ) , with its push-to-talk ov...

Trade, Impeachment, And The Conviction Of Buyers And Sellers

ROLLOVER PROCESS 2007-2008 Since every trade has a buyer and a seller, price action in the financial markets is determined by the conviction of buyers relative to the conviction of sellers. In the first half of 2007 (chart below), the conviction of buyers became stronger t...
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