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Tapping Into a Legendary Mine

A legendary historical mine is one thing, but one that can be resurrected and brought back into the current market is another thing entirely. It takes a strong market and many of the right circumstances for a massive project with known, historical, and even "legendary" s...

From Bear-Market Bootstrapping to High-Potential Nevada Play

High-grade silver discovery takes shape at Selena Ridgeline Minerals (RDG-V) has $3.5M in treasury to drill Nevada projects Nevada Gold Mines is hitting boomers near Ridgeline ground By James Kwantes Nevada’s silver-lad...

Yesterday's S&P 500 Upswing – A Reversal You Can Trust?

Stock bulls retraced over half of Friday's plunge, but does it count as a reversal? When I look at the volume, the weekly chart, and the credit markets, I have my doubts. Or will the Powell & Mnuchin testimony and Chicago PMIs ride to the rescue, and provide a catalyst to reig...

Site visit: Building PGE-nickel-copper riches at the Stillwater West project, Montana

Initially published in Resource Opportunities. Subscribe now: use coupon code CEO to save US$100 on regular subscription prices of US$299 for 1 year or $449 for 2 years. Assays are pending for holes drilled th...

Meet the Fresh, New Face of the Booming Plant-based Economy

(Click image to play video) Stockhouse investors and readers know the plant-based economy is booming. And they also know that while opportunities abound, not all of these companies are created equal. But one, uniquely-positioned West Vancouver, BC-based company ...

The Dutch Touch…and then Some

Get to know a very different kind of vertically-integrated cannabis company that’s an early mover in the Netherlands and Mexico. In today’s StockTalk Learn & Earn Video Podcast, Stockhouse Media’s Dave Jackson was joined by co...

The Great Precious Metals Melt-Up

Technical analyst Clive Maund presents his dystopian view of the future. The distinguishing feature of fiat money systems is that they are licentious—they are created by corrupt politicians so that they can act without restraint by, for example, promising the citizens...

Name the Metal That’s More than Tripled in Price since 2016?

Back in August 2019 , Stockhouse investors and readers were introduced to a unique palladium play. Palladium, you say? Yes. And it’s not the string of famous theatres and movie palaces across North America. So what is the metal palladium, and what exactly i...

The Flin Flon Copper Revival

The last one turns off the lights, they say. Or as they say in miners' language: Schicht im Schacht. Until recently, this fate of slow decline seemed preordained for the tradition-rich Flin Flon mining district in Saskatchewan. New geophysical survey methods and a resultin...

Fintech Payment Solutions Provided…Seamlessly

In mid-July , our Stockhouse audience was introduced to a fintech company with a very unique business model that’s created a secure, easy-to-use payment solution for the student market – Euro Asia Pay Holdings Inc. (EAP) ( CSE.EAP , Forum ). St...
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