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Wounded Animals, Indeed

"The permabulls will tell you that the bullion banks and their treasury department conspirators have lost all power in this 'new paradigm' and we should relax and refrain from worry. I tend to disagree because wounded animals are the singular most dangerous of all creat...

Interference Most Foul: When Speculation Becomes Reality

To put it mildly, the business of financial forecasting is not only an inexact science, it is a magnified case study in handicapping, the likes of which you find in sports betting such as horse racing or basketball. You take a basket of data inputs, such as the last fiv...

Events that Shook the Global Financial Markets in 2019

It was another big year for the global financial markets that culminated in a phase 1 trade agreement and assured Britain’s departure from the EU. Bob Mason It was yet another spectacular yea...

Subliminal Capitulation

Looking back at the events of last week, the S&P 500 finally took out the October highs at 2,941 intraday, making the 2018 bear market one of the shortest on record at 93 days (Sept. 21–Dec. 24). You will recall that I wrote in early January that the action of the Santa C...

Bear Market Rallies: The Nascent Narcotic

The 2018-2019 bear market rally that we identified during the last week of 2018 via the 2019 Forecast Issue, entitled " 2019: Mayhem, Misallocation and the Mockery of True Price Discovery ," is now on record as one of the most ferocious rallies ever recorded, as short sel...

Why the record US trade deficit is good for commodities

On Monday a headline that must have put Donald Trump in a foul mood screamed out from financial pages: “Trade deficit surges to record high”. The president’s nemesis was supposed to be tamed by slapping tariffs on the biggest culprit...

Precious Metals: Carpe Diem

Last week I sent out my uber-bullish call on the metals and miners at the conclusion of a period fraught with doom and despair for all things gold and silver. The criminality of the interventionists was in full bloom as they bombed gold down through that critical "Line ...

'Up-to-Date' COT Report: A Maddening Déjà Vu

In life, there are a distant events from one's past that embed themselves in one's memory banks in a manner and forcefulness that is directly related to their personal or historical importance. The birth of one's first child, one's first love affair or an athletic achieve...

Seasonal Dysfunction: Why Generations of Investors Are Having Such Difficulty

With great apology, I am late with this week's missive largely due to the arrival of boating season and the fierce need to secure a new vehicle, which should have taken (only) two days but didn't. Having arrived at the marina on Friday evening, I expected a rather smooth ...

Central Bank Folly: Blame the Boomers

"Destroyers seize gold and leave to its owners a counterfeit pile of paper." —Ayn Rand The baby-boom generation, of which I am a less-than-proud member, blew it. There was a time long, long ago when the mention of the words "baby boomer" evoked a sense of pride of me...
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