The Chinese ideograph for crisis is represented by the sign for danger joined together with the symbol for opportunity. Admittedly, for over a year and a half precious metals investors have been going through a time for testing of our essential position in wealth in...
Jeb Handwerger
October 28, 2012
Draganfly and its partners aim to rapidly deploy the groundbreaking technology so it can help combat COVID-19. In a news release , Draganfly Inc. (DFLY:CSE; DFLYF:OTCQB) , which specializes in unmanned vehicle technology, announced it was chosen as the exclusive ...
Streetwise Reports
March 27, 2020
One of the advantages of being a sexagenarian is that after forty years investing in stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies you have a pretty good idea when something is not exactly "right." If you have lived a good, normal life and you still have decent control of ov...
Streetwise Reports
February 10, 2020
(Click image above to play video) Investors know the cannabis market is back and are looking for real value and opportunity in the rebounding space. And while many companies are called…few are chosen. 1933 Industries (TGIF) ( CSE:TGIF , OTCQX: TGIFF , Foru...
Dave Jackson
March 23, 2021
From short-term health care bets to long-term energy plays, and the swings of the cannabis market, small-cap investors have had their hands full keeping up with the markets in 2023. A recent merger among top names in cannabis hit the health care market hard this...
Jonathon Brown
April 13, 2023
I’m just going to come right out and say it: The United States is not equipped to deal with a pandemic. The nation of 327 million, despite having the number one economy in the world, and by far the most powerful military, is shockingly ill-prepared, not only ...
Richard (Rick) Mills
March 31, 2020
Calling all carnivores: ever thought about getting a meat printer? Of hand-crafting delectable beef steaks at home from plant proteins, that have the same texture, appearance and flavor as real meat, only without the distasteful killing part? 3D-printed steaks and chicken ...
Richard (Rick) Mills
November 15, 2019
Summary: In the months since the COVID-19 crash began, stock prices have been on a wild ride in anticipation of a tsunami of poor economic data. However, some investors appear to be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel including McAlinden Research Partners (MRP)...
Streetwise Reports
June 18, 2020
Yield curve inversions have historically been great for silver prices. Currently we are experiencing such a phenomena, and again it is evidence of conditions that are conducive to some impressive silver rallies. Below, is a long-term chart showing the spread between the 10...
Hubert Moolman
September 23, 2019
After a more than 50-year bear market in gold stocks, things are coming together to create virtually perfect conditions for gold stocks. Gold prices are at (or near) all-time highs in most currencies, and will likely continue to rise over the coming years. Commodity price...
Hubert Moolman
April 24, 2020