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Bayer, EXMceuticals, Symrise - investing in the healthcare growth market

The Corona Pandemic brings with it many changes. The influences in the supply chain are affecting the economy to the point of stagnation. The lack of contact for people creates challenges in coping with everyday life. The term 'home office' is used in an inflationary way - and...

Burcon Nutrascience, Enthusiast Gaming, EXMceuticals - Investing in the future

Innovative technologies and social trends often determine the positive performance of an investment portfolio. The biggest challenge, however, is to recognize the development of a new need in society at the right time and to benefit from it with the right companies. But unders...

Aphria, Aurora Cannabis, Canopy Growth, EXMceuticals - do not miss the entry!

The German nationwide and anonymous advertising format of Deutsche Post is called POSTAKTUELL and is published regularly in large print runs. The stack of advertising is wrapped in a foil and the practical added value for the recipient is the TV guide. The front of POSTAKTUELL...

BioNTech, Evotec, EXMceuticals - Stocks with potential

Health is the most important thing in life. The current protective measures around the globe in connection with the spread of the Corona Virus Covid-19 show how great the fear and helplessness is. Above all, this pandemic has highlighted the extent of the global dependence on ...

BioNTech, Eastman Kodak, EXMceuticals - investors have the chance to profit

The importance of health has not been as clear for a long time as it was in 2020. Detached from the discussion about the specifics of COVID-19 on mortality compared to other viruses, the need for protection is great and helplessness without a medical response is harmful to the...

Burcon, Canopy, dynaCERT - how cannabis, proteins and hydrogen improve the world

Innovations continuously change our lives. Entrepreneurs around the globe are trying to make things happen, developing products and technologies that are designed to improve everyday life. Business areas that are scalable are particularly successful. Once a product is ready to...

Allianz, Commerzbank, TUI, Wirecard - and news for investors

A week on the stock market with positive price development is slowly coming to an end. The DAX was at a low of 10,426 points at the beginning of the week and currently stands at 10,837 points. The gain of more than 400 points is mainly due to the relaxation of measures to limi...

BioNTech, EXMceuticals, Shop Apotheke Europe, Symrise - Shares gaining momentum

The easing of measures to contain the Corona Pandemic will be further extended and, in parallel, companies and their employees will be able to increase personal communications again. However, the curfew phase was also used for strategic decisions and developments, as investors...

EQS Group, EXMceuticals, Media and Games Invest - Buy recommendations from the experts

Analysts' reports on listed companies serve investors as an external source of information. As a rule, research houses publish their recommendations in connection with financing, the publication of financial statements or in order to increase awareness. The information is usua...

What is DehydraTECH and how is it revolutionizing solutions in cannabis and alcohol-free beverages?

Hill ( TSXV:HILL ) is a progressive innovation company that utilizes new technologies to provide innovative cannabis solutions and non-alcoholic beverage products globally. It is pioneering the space where craft consumer products meet bioscience by leveraging its deep CP...
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