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Monthly Breadth: Dark Clouds Or A Ray Of Hope?

MONTHLY BREADTH - MARCH 2000 Last week’s post looked at a weekly volume-based breadth indicator. With June in the history books, it is a good time to review the message from monthly breadth charts. As shown below, the monthly NYSE Advance-Decline Line peaked in 1998 and thu...

Feb 19th 2020, Silver Chartbook – Ignition on the monthly time frame – green light

Ignition on the monthly time frame – green light For those traders who like to be early in the moves and are willing to take some extra risk for extra rewards, we just found first system confirmations. For the monthly time frame in the silver market our trading model i...

Index Prediction System Is Telling Us A Very Different Story

On this day, celebrating fathers and all they do for families and their children, we thought we would share some really interesting research regarding the next six months trading expectations in the NASDAQ and what it means for your trading account. One element of our research...

Updating January's Rare S&P 500 Setup

THIRD CONSECUTIVE MONTHLY CLOSE As described in detail below, when the S&P 500 closed above the monthly Bollinger Band centerline at the end of January, it aligned the present day with favorable historical probabilities and also provided some distance from setups in the 197...

This Signal Points To More Upside In Stocks

NEW MONTHLY SIGNALS The MSCI World Index tracks over one thousand large and mid-cap stocks in twenty-two developed countries, covering 85% of the market capitalization in those regions. As shown via the chart below, a positive monthly MACD cross was just nailed down on the...

Global Dow Nails Down Bullish Signal

SIGN OF GROWING CONFIDENCE At the end of November, monthly CCI completed a momentum round trip by closing above 100 after closing below -100 in late 2018. CCI helps us track market momentum. The turn that just took place over the last year is typically associated with a si...

After An Extremely Rare Move In Bonds, How Have Stocks And Bonds Performed In The Past?

LEARNING FROM HISTORICAL MARKET FACTS When investors are concerned about future economic outcomes, they often migrate toward more defensive-oriented long-term U.S. Treasury bonds (TLT). The recent surge in demand for defensive bonds caused an extremely rare and extended loo...

Nov 23rd 2019, Crypto Chartbook – Why markets work

Why markets work We as humans are fooled by a brain that functions on comparison. However, based on the true principle, every moment is unique and we expand with every time increment into an absolutely new future (big bang theory). We would be overwhelmed by the vastness o...

China Social Media Firm Gains 55 Million Monthly Active Users

Weibo Corp. (WB:NASDAQ) , a leading Chinese social media platform company with nearly 500 million monthly active users, today announced its unaudited financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2019. In the report, the firm reported total n...

Liquidity & Volume Diminish – What Next?

As the Thanksgiving holiday passes, traders should begin to understand that liquidity and volume in the US and global markets typically begin to diminish over the next 30 to 45+ days. Typically, between mid-November and early January, trading volumes weaken dramatically as ins...
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