It was a "stealth" rally... Over the first couple months of 2010, the U.S. stock market hovered around breakeven. Investors were too busy worrying about Greece's debt crisis, fourth-quarter earnings, and health care reform to notice what was happening over in my c...
Dr. George Huang
October 28, 2012
Chris Vermeulen, CEO & Founder of Technical Traders Ltd. , joins Tom Bodrovics at Palisade Radio to discuss the markets and Chris says, “This is the time to really be paying attention to the markets… It could be a bloodbath.” Chris is s...
Chris Vermeulen
April 23, 2020
Gold surged on Monday after a spike in coronavirus cases worldwide dashed hopes of a quick economic recovery. Within 24-hours the number of infections globally rose 183,020, a new record, the World Health Organization reported, Reuters said the US saw a 25% increase in new...
Richard (Rick) Mills
June 23, 2020
In the fight against the spread of the Corona Pandemic, a great deal of commitment is required from companies. This situation also offers the opportunity to rethink and change existing work processes and procedures. Product ranges are being expanded and new possibilities and a...
Mario Hose
September 18, 2020
Whether it was the Big Bang, Midas or God himself, we don't really need to unlock the mystery of the origins of gold when we've already identified an asteroid worth $700 quintillion in precious heavy metals. If anything launches this metals mining space race, it will be th...
Joao Peixe
June 26, 2019
The yield curve has inverted. It suggests that we are about one year before the recession. How should the yellow metal behave in such a period? We invite you to read our today’s article and find out how gold is likely to behave in the pre-recession world. ...
Arkadiusz Sieron
August 23, 2019
Have you read Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged ? The main theme of the book is that – overwhelmed by growing statism – entrepreneurs at one point say finally “basta!” and announce a strike. The symbolic Atlas who carries the world, sh...
Arkadiusz Sieron
April 13, 2020
We have heard from so many of our followers and members regarding our precious metals calls and research articles. Additionally, many of our members and followers have recently asked us about our August 19 breakdown prediction for the US/Global markets. In this research post, ...
Chris Vermeulen
August 15, 2019
Forever synonymous with wealth, gold has been the most coveted mineral on earth since its first recorded use back in 3000 BC. From Ancient Egypt to the U.S. Treasury its history is one of war, death, love and prosperity. But how did this most precious of precious metal...
Joao Peixe
October 4, 2019
(Click image to play video) While the tide has turned in many countries in battle against the COVID-19, the global pandemic is far from over in countries like India, for example. Thus, the need for quick, reliable COVID at-home testing is still existential. T...
Dave Jackson
June 7, 2021