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Buzz on the Bullboards: The energy surge emanating from Trump’s 1st week in office

The past week has seen a mixed performance for the TSX , reflecting the varied fortunes of different market sectors. While energy stocks experienced fluctuations, other sectors showed resilience, leading to a modest overall gain for the index. The inauguration of Donald ...

The Test of the S&P 500 Bulls

Already at yesterday’s open, stocks have erased Tuesday’s downswing – and as the day progressed, more gains came in. S&P 500 finished at our initial upside target, at the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement. As the Fed press conference got underway, sto...

Why I Am Turning Cautious About Yesterday's Stock Upswing

When it comes to closing prices, stocks entered the month of June on a strong note, but the daily volume wasn't exactly convincing. While many signs though continue to be arrayed behind the slow grind higher, first swallows of short-term non-confirmation are appearing. Which w...

The Mid-May Déjà Vu in S&P 500

After a slight hesitation in yesterday's premarket, the S&P 500 hasn't much looked back since. And importantly, the credit markets – my biggest concern – had finally caught a bid. Their own reversal was less pronounced, making one question the corporate bond bulls' resolve rig...

Could Hong Kong Disrupt China & The Global Markets Further?

Reading the news this weekend and watching the chaos in Hong Kong, one has to wonder how this violence and disruption in commerce is really affecting the Asian and global markets. Many different news sources are already reporting that Chinese economic data continues to show w...

Neon Therapeutics Shares Are Flashing Brightly after Reporting Predictive Cancer Breakthrough

After announcing publication in the scientific journal Immunity that it had created a 61-fold improvement process for predicting cancer-specific antigens, Neon Therapeutics' stock has traded wildly today, up more than 46% at times on nearly 100-times average daily volume, bu...

The Last Hawk Flew to Heaven

Sad moment. Paul Volcker, the former Fed Chairman went to Bank of Heaven. We are not reporting this news due to the implications for gold prices, but as an opportunity to reflect on changes in the central banking since the time of Tall Paul and on their consequences for the go...

How Much More Can the Stock Bulls Add to Their Gains?

Stocks opened on a strong note yesterday, and the bulls have been adding to their gains throughout the day. Forcing a close above the nearest resistance, does it mark the end of selling? In other words, have we seen a lasting turnaround? Let’s check the wee...

Stocks Seem Not Convinced by Yesterday’s Surprise Cut

Stocks opened up on a bullish note yesterday, but the bulls gave up all of their gains and then some. This has happened despite the Fed’s surprise rate cut that intended to calm the markets. As stocks closed the day back below the key support, where does that l...

Concerned About The Real Estate Market? Us Too!

The current global Covid-19 virus event has upended everyone’s forward expectations related to the US and global economy. Recently, President Trump has announced a 12-month reprieve for homeowners who find themselves without income, or a job, because of the U...
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