Sentiment, silence and lies We spoke in our last silver chartbook about how to take a contrarian position. As well we explained how to bet against consensus. Sentiment is one aspect supporting a contrarian trader. This is obviously necessary to achieve a “buy low, sell ...
Korbinian Koller
November 22, 2019
Why markets work We as humans are fooled by a brain that functions on comparison. However, based on the true principle, every moment is unique and we expand with every time increment into an absolutely new future (big bang theory). We would be overwhelmed by the vastness o...
Korbinian Koller
November 26, 2019
Uncertainty – Who will win? Wouldn’t we all like to know? Fact is that nobody knows. The best a market player can do is an educated guess. Stack your odds diligently and never bet the farm. Let’s take a look at some major market players. Mi...
Korbinian Koller
April 28, 2020
The yield curve inversion just got more pronounced. Not only the spread between 10-year and 3-month Treasuries, now also the spread between 10-year and 2-year turned negative. That sends a warning signal about the state of the real economy. About a recession on the horizon. So...
Arkadiusz Sieron
August 15, 2019
Understanding the stock market and its potential through the use of technical analysis and historical price events has been proven repeatedly to outperform all forms of fundamental trading styles. The following is a story that walks you through my experience, the shift in my...
Chris Vermeulen
March 30, 2020
Stocks keep reaching for new highs, but the bearish wedge and volume are giving me second thoughts. Stocks are getting ready to move, and today's analysis will paint as clear a picture thereof as it gets. S&P 500 in the Short-Run Let’s start with the dail...
Monica Kingsley
June 4, 2020
Finding credibility It is very difficult for a new issuer to find goodwill in the capital markets. Historically, and we all have a story to add to this, not every company has told the truth or, in some cases, even known what the truth was, leading to jaded hearts, apathet...
Featured Submission
January 31, 2022
After the first part of my interview with Rick Rule generated quite a bit of attention, I'm pleased to continue with the interview in this second, and equally extensive, part, in a series of no less than four parts. As Rick is one of the best speakers in the mining sect...
Streetwise Reports
February 21, 2020
The Critical Investor sits down with Rick Rule, CEO of Sprott U.S. Holdings, for a wide-ranging discussion of his more than four-decade-long involvement in the resource sector. Several months ago I thought of something different. Wouldn't it be nice to interview the...
Streetwise Reports
January 17, 2020
Forever synonymous with wealth, gold has been the most coveted mineral on earth since its first recorded use back in 3000 BC. From Ancient Egypt to the U.S. Treasury its history is one of war, death, love and prosperity. But how did this most precious of precious metal...
Joao Peixe
October 4, 2019