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5 Ways Tech Startups can Compete with the Industry Leaders

It is a common thing for any established industry to be dominated by several large companies. There are eBay and Amazon for eCommerce, Facebook and Snapchat for social media, Uber and Lyft for transportation, etc. Beating such competitors is a tough challenge every ...

The Hottest Startup Of 2020 Is Cleaning Up Your Commute

We've come a long way in a short time since ride-sharing emerged as a mainstream offering. Now, there's even an app that lets consumers participate in one of the biggest trends of the decade without leaving an environmental footprint. It's the app that does what Uber and ...

The Hottest Startup Of 2020 Is Cleaning Up Your Commute

Impact Investing. That's what they're calling it… And it's a movement that has grown by over 600% in the past decade. In fact, there are over $30 trillion in assets under management in portfolios with a focus on sustainable investments…and the revolution is showing no ...

Mexico's Hottest Silver Play

When I think of a region with truly great silver deposits, I instantly think of central Mexico. Historically, Mexican silver production dates to the Spanish conquests. Over the past 500 years, more than 10 billion ounces of silver have come out of the ground in...

Executing Our Vision, Achieving Our Global Potential: A Letter to Shareholders

Dear Fellow Legible Shareholders, I want to thank you for your continued support, faith, and trust in the Legible team to execute on our vision to revolutionize the global eBook marketplace for readers, publishers, and authors through our innovative eBook entertainment pl...

Is this stunning 'evidence' that NervGen has the goods?

This could be the signal that tiny NervGen Pharma Corp. (TSX-V:NGEN; OTCQX:NGENF) is destined to be one of the top performing biotech startup stocks this year. It came in a seemingly innocuous podcast interview about the company’s ongoing Phase 1b/2...

NervGen: Are amazing human trial results leaking out?

“We are very excited! We are very, very excited!” So says Dr. Monica Perez, who is running the first human trial for a potential new wonder drug being developed by a tiny but well-financed life sciences start-up, NervGen Pharma Corp. ...

Leveraging “Right-Time” Data to Drive Workflow Efficiencies

(CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO) Meet Spotlite360 Technologies Inc. (LITE) ( CSE.LITE , Forum ) – an enterprise software company leveraging IoT technologies, blockchain, and machine learning (ML) to deliver supply chain solutions which result in improved tracing, ...

The Green Metals Company Igniting the Green Revolution

When Stockhouse Editorial caught up with Generation Mining Ltd. ( TSX.GENM , OTC: GENMF , Forum ) back in March , the Company has completed a feasibility study for its Marathon Palladium-Copper – the largest undeveloped palladium project in North America. Most pal...

Ontario Mine On Track for First Gold Pour in Late 2020

The latest news and a construction update on Pure Gold Mining's Canadian project are provided in an Echelon Wealth Partners report. In a March 30 research note, Echelon Wealth Partners analyst Ryan Walker reported that Pure Gold Mining Inc. (PGM:TSX.V; PUR:LSE) r...
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