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Interview with Lukas Lundin

“One drill hole changes the game. It’s very hard to decide who gets to make it and who doesn’t. It’s a big gate, and yet very few make it through. But you have to let them try.” — Lukas Lundin ...

Why This Small-Cap Miner Could Be a 'Once-in-a-Generation Wealth Builder'

I had been familiar with the story and potential of uber micro-cap (a valuation of little more than C$3 million or so for a LONG time!) Omineca Mining and Metals Ltd.'s (OMM:TSX.V; OMMSF:OTCMKTS) for years. But as gold was beginning to percolate and other necessa...

Titans in Mining: An Interview with Rick Rule, Part I

The Critical Investor sits down with Rick Rule, CEO of Sprott U.S. Holdings, for a wide-ranging discussion of his more than four-decade-long involvement in the resource sector. Several months ago I thought of something different. Wouldn't it be nice to interview the...

Precious Metals Premiums, the COMEX and the Macro Picture

Maurice Jackson: Today, we're going to discuss precious metals premiums, the COMEX and the big picture. Joining us for a conversation is Andy Schectman, the president of Miles Franklin Precious Metals Investments . Andy, investors in physical precious metals are upset...