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Alzheimer’s Breakthrough: Why the Experts are Betting on NervGen

It's the disease that most of us regard with the greatest dread – especially since nearly one in every three people will eventually be afflicted. This is why a breakthrough pharmaceutical drug for Alzheimer’s disease would not only be a godsend to society,...

Is this stunning 'evidence' that NervGen has the goods?

This could be the signal that tiny NervGen Pharma Corp. (TSX-V:NGEN; OTCQX:NGENF) is destined to be one of the top performing biotech startup stocks this year. It came in a seemingly innocuous podcast interview about the company’s ongoing Phase 1b/2...

NervGen: Are amazing human trial results leaking out?

“We are very excited! We are very, very excited!” So says Dr. Monica Perez, who is running the first human trial for a potential new wonder drug being developed by a tiny but well-financed life sciences start-up, NervGen Pharma Corp. ...

Why the US is Backing American Lithium

It’s a strategically symbolic investment that clearly demonstrates the US government’s determination to break China’s dominance of the global lithium trade. Now that lithium has been declared as critical to America&CloseCurly...

Sierra Madre Gold & Silver: Mining’s Next Star Performer?

As the US economy bounces back, confident and emboldened investors are rushing back into speculative stocks and cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin) with a view to making outsized financial gains. Lately, it’s been a dominant media...

Big Picture Outlook: Seat Belts Tightened

"Gold is money; everything else is credit." —J.P. Morgan Dating back to the mid-80s, and usually around the end of November, I begin to formulate strategies and portfolios looking out to the upcoming New Year, taking into account technical, fundamental and geopolitica...

Titans in Mining: An Interview with Rick Rule, Part I

The Critical Investor sits down with Rick Rule, CEO of Sprott U.S. Holdings, for a wide-ranging discussion of his more than four-decade-long involvement in the resource sector. Several months ago I thought of something different. Wouldn't it be nice to interview the...