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Oil Begins To Move Lower – Will Our Predictions Come True?

Recently, we posted a multi-part research post suggesting a collapse in Crude Oil could be setting up and how we believe this decline in energy prices may lead to a broader market collapse in the near future. Crude oil fell more than 3% on November 19 in what appears to be a m...

Shifting Undercurrents In The US Stock Market

Even as we write this post, the US Stock Market continues to push higher as global traders and investors pour capital into the continued US rally. The strong US Dollar continued to attract capital from around the globe and with fresh earning about to hit from Q4 2019, investor...

Gold Rallies As Fear Take Center Stage

Gold has rallied extensively from the lows near $1560 over the past 2 weeks. At first, this rally didn’t catch too much attention with traders, but now the rally has reached new highs above $1613 and may attempt a move above $1750 as metals continue to reflec...

Senior Gold Miner Is On Track for a 'Strong H2/19'

The company's Q2/19 operational and financial results are reviewed in a BMO Capital Partners report. In an Aug. 8 research note, BMO Capital Markets analyst Andrew Kaip reported that AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. (AU:NYSE; ANG:JSE; AGG:ASX; AGD:LSE) is "well positioned for...

Coverage Initiated on Gold Producer with 'Strong Growth on the Horizon'

The investment thesis on this Canadian company is delivered in a BMO Capital Markets report. Analyst Ryan Thompson wrote in an Aug. 13 research note that his firm BMO Capital Markets initiated coverage on Leagold Mining Corp. (LMC:TSX.V; LMCNF:OTCQX) with an Outperf...

Analyst Raises Target Price of Canadian Miner Given 'Continued Momentum'

Key points management made on a recent investor tour are presented in a BMO Capital Markets report. In a Sept. 5 research note, analyst Andrew Kaip reported that BMO Capital Markets raised its target price on Pretium Resources Inc. (PVG:TSX; PVG:NYSE) to CA$24 per s...

Rating, Target Upgraded on Gold Mining Major Undergoing a Turnaround

The reasons to be optimistic about this company are covered in a BMO Capital Markets report. In a Sept. 11 research note, analyst Andrew Kaip reported that his firm BMO Capital Markets upgraded its rating to Outperform and raised its target price to $50 per share from...

'Strong Infill Drill Results' from Mining Company's Silver Project in Bolivia

The findings are presented and discussed in a BMO Capital Markets report. In an Aug. 27 research note, BMO Capital Markets analyst Ryan Thompson reported that "drill results continue to show the potential for New Pacific Metals Corp.'s (NUAG:TSX.V; NUPMF:OTCQX) Silv...

Mine at Gold Producer's JV Project in Nevada Commercially Producing

Observations from a recent site visit there are provided in a BMO Capital Markets report. In an Oct. 22 research note, BMO Capital Markets analyst Andrew Mikitchook reported the main takeaways from a site visit to Premier Gold Mines Ltd.'s (PG:TSX) South Arturo join...

Welcome to the Zombie-land Of Investing – Part I

This current market environment is very reminiscent of the 2006-08 market environment where price rotated into weakness on technicals and continued to establish new all-time price highs in the process – creating what we are calling a “zombie-land melt-up”...
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