Yes, the turnover is way too high for a company that has so much potential.

Dan Zivkusic - CFO - gone

John Sutherland - COO - gone - replaced by Darko Ulakovic (I have great promise for Darko based upon his previous poistions and management skills. However, his last few tenures have been very short too! Can he deliver the results we need here and in a timely fashion?)

Robert Miller - President, ClearPower Systems - gone

Plus numerous marketing people and other positions down the ladder gone - only some replaced.

Apprently, Audrey Mascareenhas knows what, where, when and how she wants everything done and is very hard to please and work for. Good and bad for us shareholders

Darko Ulakovic was just awarded all kinds of share performance awards and restricted share units along with other executives. So, one would think selling would not be an option at this early point. Unless, his and the companies' plans are coming off track with either delays, failure, no sales or incompletion. Would this be a reason for Darko to sell???

Darko Ulakovic insider trades were triggered apparently by his wife's RRSP new position. So, this may be a pending divorce settlement thing, or wife getting inside info??? Either way not very good to sell at these prices when so much promise is at hand for QST, IF these new strategic innitatives get put in place as fast as possible and at a reasonable cost. Again, all within a timely manner.

Competition in this industry and where they are going is immense. Just look at the continuing lawsuit from the former staff members as one example. That lawsuit is a drag on any earnings and seems to be getting no where??? Plus, many much larger companies with way bigger resources which may be gaining/passing QST's advantage??? It is a hot market and they don't seem to be capitalizing on it as they should right now.

I see they have announced their two new prodcut lines;

WASTE HEAT TO POWER ORC (This could be applicable in many industries not currently served and give us a much bigger footprint, if we are competitive production and cost wise)

WASTE WATER VAPOORIZER (This could really add to our forte within the O & G business and beyond, again with the same caveats as above)

I am very excited to learn more about these new projects but it seems that is going to be a while out as they are still hiring people to help build out this stuff. Then you have certification and trials before many sales can take place. Again only iof it is competitive. That looks like a year or more out. 

I hope they are getting as many rentals out in Colorado and ND (and maybe even Texas and NM) as they can to generate more revenue, any profits?? and help pay for the new basic designs in inncineration, power and monitoring and these projects.

Plus, I have not heard how all the other new sales processes/manufacturing/design/administration procedures are paying offf or NOT. Again, no PR and they have not updated their investor presentation since 2019. Come on, keep us informed beyond your basic general outlines within your quarterly reports. Show and tell us!!!

In my opinion, Audrey needs more than Darko's help and to do more delegation, better management of the overall comapny and especially PR or other wise I see QST shares falling back to the $1.25 range level. (currently $1.65 as I write this) I will not like this as I hold a substainal position in QST. However, if that is the case, I still believe (even with all their current problems and frustrations) and I would be a huge buyer again, should it reach these levels.

Good luck to all QST investors. Please share as much as you all know with this board. Many thanks. Angles