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B2Gold, Osino Resources, Triumph Gold - in dialogue with investors

The mining industry has various events around the globe to exchange information with service providers, customers, partners and investors. In addition to the Mining Indaba in Cape Town, which takes place every year in February, the industry always meets in Toronto in March for...

5 of the Biggest Financial Stories From 2019

According to the Chinese Zodiac Calendar, 2019 was the Year of the Pig. Investors and traders, I believe, will likely also remember it as the year of the bull. Every asset type, it seems—from large-caps to small-caps, from foreign to domestic, from gold to oil—fin...

Technical Analyst: Quarantine Tracking System a Hit in the Age of Corona

Technical analyst Clive Maund discusses Blockchain Holdings' acquisition of the TRACEsafe system. If we are going to buy any stocks at a time like this it should be in those companies that are set to make money out of the coronavirus crisis—and Blockchain H...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Too big to fail?

It has been a hot week for much of North America and it’s not just the temperature that’s rising, we are seeing a surge in investor discussion on the Bullboards, as well. Now that we’re officially in the second half of 2...

First Cobalt Corp. & Glencore Sign MOU on First Cobalt’s Cobalt Refinery

This is big, really big. I can’t say that it’s a surprise that Glencore might want to partner with First Cobalt Corp . (TSX-V: FCC) / (QTCQX: FTSSF), but it would be by far the best possible outcome for management’s strategi...

Buzz on the Bullboards: The Summer of Uncertainty

Welcome back to Buzz on the Bullboards. After taking a short break to enjoy the sun, the bi-weekly review is back to keep you up-to-date on what the Stockhouse Community is discussing. It’s been a busy few weeks for markets and investors alike, with trade ...

Blockchain Holdings Acquires Monitoring System, Successfully Implemented in Hong Kong, to Help ...

Blockchain Holdings Acquires Monitoring System, Successfully Implemented in Hong Kong, to Help Stem the Spread of COVID-19 Simple, non-invasive hospital-style wrist band and SaaS technology could spell explosive growth for company as the world combats the cor...

Mackie Research: Small Cap a World Leader in Health and Safety Wearables

Note: This article is not research and any companies mentioned are not rated. TraceSafe Technologies Inc . is a wholly owned subsidiary of Blockchain Holdings Ltd. (BCX:CSE) , and owns 100% of the rights and interests in the real-time location tracking technology ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: New Year, New Stocks?

The beginning of a new year always sparks hope and signals new possibilities — and that same logic can be applied to the stock market. 2021 certainly had its plethora of ups and downs, but the Canadian market finished off the year strong and the sentiment remains bul...

One-Hour Delivery Service Holds Potential to Disrupt Industry

Kelly Abbott, CEO of ParcelPal Technology, sits down with Anthony Varrell of StoneBridge Partners to discuss his company's disruptive technology and expansion plans into the United States. For those who are not familiar with ParcelPal Technology Inc.'s (PKG:CSE) story...
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