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Buzz on the Bullboards: Stocks to watch in volatile times.

This week, Canada’s main stock index, the TSX , hit another record high, supported by strong retail sales data and positive investor sentiment. However, the index quickly fell from grace following U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s announ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Creating Cash out of an Economy Crunch

(Image via Bombardier Inc.) If you’re looking to see the stocks that investors have been keeping an eye on over the past week, you’ve come to the right place. The Stockhouse community regularly acts as a microcosm of investor sen...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Feeling the tech selloff?

It has been a turbulent week on Bay Street and Wall Street. Canada’s commodity-heavy main stock index tumbled this week, weighed down by a near 5% drop in crude prices on demand concerns, while bullion prices slipped to a four-week low further hurting...

Buzz on the Bullboards: The Fastest Moving Up & Comers

In recent days, weeks, even months, markets on both sides of the 49 th parallel have been erratic as volatility has returned with a vengeance. Investors continue to gather at Stockhouse. What is a buying opportunity for one investor is a "selling window" for another. ...

Alkaline, Flavored and CBD Infused Bottled Water Maker Posts Record Growth in Q4/20

The Alkaline Water Co. shares traded 20% higher after the company reported that it posted a 51% growth in year-over-year revenue in Q4/20. Alkaline Water Company Inc. (WTER:NASDAQ; WTER:CSE) , which makes premium bottled alkaline water, flavored-infused waters, and...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Sell in May and go away?

As investors assess the strategy of liquidating positions before the summer, lingering concerns over an impending economic recession haven’t appeared to slow down activity on the Bullboards. Instead, as we approach zero hour on the deadline to settle t...

America's rare earth rush could cause these stocks to pop

Share | Okay, so the stock market has gone nowhere this year. In fact, it’s gone nowhere in 10 years. But that doesn’t mean all the money-making opportunities have dried up. Investors have had plenty of opportunities to make money in in...

How to Invest in Metals & Mining Stocks

As most investors to Stockhouse know, the global mining industry is massive. And growth in certain critical sectors (i.e. Platinum Metals Groups) is expected continue at a rate that sometimes exceeds supply. The S&P TSX Gold Index consists of 70 precious metal mining compa...

Apogee Enterprises Shares Trade Up 12.5% on Q2 Earnings and Yearly Outlook

Shares of Apogee Enterprises are trading higher today after the commercial and architectural glass and framing company announced Q2/20 earnings and updated its estimates for the rest of the year. This morning commercial and architectural glass fabricator and window fr...

Ballard Power, NVIDIA, SolGold - copper, processors and fuel cells for the portfolio

The mobility of the future will be diverse. In addition to internal combustion engines, vehicles with electric motors will also define future everyday life. This politically motivated development will be supported by subsidies and premiums in various areas. Investors who would...
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