Tax-loss season is on the minds of many investors right now. It is the time of year when some traders feel compelled to dump their losers – and lock-in losses. It has been a hot topic on the...
Jonathon Brown
December 8, 2022
The kiddie tax means that income from investments gains earned by a child from a gifted stock will be taxed at the parent’s tax rate, not the child’s tax rate. The kiddie tax applies to interest income, dividends, and capital ga...
Coreena Robertson
5 days ago
A lot of Americans find themselves in a quandary over Donald Trump. On the one hand they can’t stand the braggadocious billionaire for his lack of principles, business ethics, exorbitant wealth, his treatment of women, minorities, the list goes on and on. But...
Richard (Rick) Mills
May 10, 2019
Another Tax Day has come and gone. This was the first year that Americans paid taxes under President Donald Trump’s tax cuts. And yet many filers—especially those living in high income tax states such as New York, California and New Jersey—saw their paymen...
Frank Holmes
April 29, 2019
Introduction When the gold price started its move during the summer, someone asked us, "Do you know any 'old and forgotten' projects that aren't very appealing at $1,250 gold but have a lot of leverage on the gold price that would make it viable at $1,500 gold?" An i...
Streetwise Reports
November 6, 2019
So far in 2020, the yield on the 10-year Treasury has averaged an anemic 0.01 percent when adjusted for inflation. Since the end of January, it’s actually dipped below 0 percent, trading as low as negative 0.14 percent on January 31. What this means is...
Frank Holmes
February 18, 2020
There are hardly any sectors not affected by Covid-19, including the US solar industry. The US solar industry is affected by compounding issues, delays in supply chains, strengthening the tax equity market, financial concerns of homeowners, shelter-in-place orders, and challen...
Ved Prakash
May 22, 2020
Economists are good for one thing, and that is creating theories. The trouble is, those theories are often wrong. This is why economics is often called “the dismal science”. Such is the case with the latest economic soup-de-jour, Modern Monetary Theory, o...
Richard (Rick) Mills
April 12, 2019
Makers of cigarettes and the U.S. government must play a bizarre game... and not one American in 100,000 understands it. Everyone knows cigarettes are "evil." On Friday, the state of Kansas will ban smoking in indoor public places. And in San Francisco, they're cl...
Tom Dyson
October 28, 2012
Economic data shows that the coronavirus crisis will be severe. To soften the blow, Trump announced his support plans for the economy. Will the stimulus package help? And when will gold finally rise? COVID-19 Hits the US Economy The global epidemic of COVID-19 has alr...
Arkadiusz Sieron
March 20, 2020