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Ibogaine Drug Development: Creating The Gold Standard For Addiction Treatment

(Click image to play video.) A renewed interest in the therapeutic power psychedelic of compounds is revealing a potent and commercially viable solution. Vancouver BC-based Universal Ibogaine Inc. (UI) ( TSX-V: IBO , Forum ) is positioned to address the opioid e...

The Game-changing FinTech Company You Need to Know About

Back in June , we introduced our Stockhouse investor audience to an emerging FinTech giant and took a deep dive into how this Canadian company is on the forefront of developing artificial intelligence (AI) that transforms data into knowledge. Toronto ON-based Analyti...

Investor Update from One of the Most Innovative Leaders in Cannabis Science

Adastra Labs Holdings Ltd. ( CSE.XTRX , OTC: XTXXF , Forum ) is a leading manufacturer and supplier of innovative ethno-botanical and cannabis science products designed for the adult-use and medical markets and forward-looking therapeutic applications. This unique compa...

A bright exploration project adjacent to the Historic Obuasi Mine

Ghana is one of the most prolific gold mining jurisdictions in the world, top in African production and sixth globally behind the United States. Pelangio Exploration (TSXV:PX , OTC:PGXPF , Forum ), a Canadian company with projects in Ghana and Canada, had been relativ...

A Splendid Investment Opportunity…Naturally

(Click image to play video) We’re just about smackdab in the middle of New Year’s resolution time, and millions of North Americans are committing to a healthier lifestyle or just trying to shed a few pounds. Coquitlam, BC-based...

5 Ways Tech Startups can Compete with the Industry Leaders

It is a common thing for any established industry to be dominated by several large companies. There are eBay and Amazon for eCommerce, Facebook and Snapchat for social media, Uber and Lyft for transportation, etc. Beating such competitors is a tough challenge every ...

Best-in-class Cannabis = Best-in-class Investment Opportunity

(CLICK IMAGE TO PLAY VIDEO) Today, in the publicly-traded retail cannabis sector, you need to deliver not only a quality, brand-name product but consistent shareholder value. Enter the new name in the game – Chalice Brands Ltd. ( CSE.CHAL , OTCMKTS: CHALF...

An Emerging Medical Market Play with Great Opportunity

(Image via Bioasis Technologies Inc.) Biopharmaceutical Company Bioasis Technologies Inc. ( TSX-V: BTI , OTCQB: BIOAF , Forum ) is developing its proprietary xB 3TM platform technology to deliver therapeutics across the blood brain barrier (BBB) and int...

PODCAST: A CBD-focused First-to-Market Franchise Model

This podcast is part of our Cannabis Sector CEO interview series. The focus of our new StockTalk Podcasts is to help listeners and investors learn about, understand, and discover investment opportunities in the public marketplace.   Stockhouse Media's Dave Jackson was r...

There’s Gold in Them Thar Hills! The ‘Unique Business Model’ in the Historic Cariboo

The world’s most iconic precious metal has soared back into prominence in recent months, surpassing the $2,400 Canadian mark in mid-May. Yes, indeed, gold is back. Green River Gold Corp. (CCR) ( CSE.CCR , Forum ) was founded in the summer of 2017 by a g...
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