The French astronomer Jules Janssen first discovered helium on our Sun in 1868. Since then, experts have discovered that the Sun consists largely of helium and hydrogen. In reference to the Greek sun god Helios, the discovered inert gas was called helium. After hydrogen, heliu...
Mario Hose
July 13, 2020
"'Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." - Sir Winston Churchill Throughout history, society has always canonized certain political, military, and religious icons for reasons seemingly obvious, but after drilling down into the fa...
Streetwise Reports
April 16, 2019
Forever synonymous with wealth, gold has been the most coveted mineral on earth since its first recorded use back in 3000 BC. From Ancient Egypt to the U.S. Treasury its history is one of war, death, love and prosperity. But how did this most precious of precious metal...
Joao Peixe
October 4, 2019
Gaming has evolved from a pastime activity to become a career for some people and an educational tool for others. Gaming has produced some of the biggest global companies, such as Sony, Meta, Microsoft, and Tencent Holdings. How did companies like Microsoft and Meta get a...
July 29, 2024
Whether it was the Big Bang, Midas or God himself, we don't really need to unlock the mystery of the origins of gold when we've already identified an asteroid worth $700 quintillion in precious heavy metals. If anything launches this metals mining space race, it will be th...
Joao Peixe
June 26, 2019
This, the final segment of our multi-part research post regarding the potential future market direction as well as to identify if there is any real concern for traders regarding a “total market collapse” as some Doomsayers are predicting should help you u...
Chris Vermeulen
February 26, 2019
We're borrowing a term from the movie Red October ( source ) that describes an unusual change of direction for a Russian submarine with the intent to seek out enemies and unknown targets – called a “Crazy Ivan”. We are using this term because we believe t...
Chris Vermeulen
August 13, 2019
This year marked the 30th anniversary of the Denver Gold Forum (DGF), the world’s most prestigious precious metal equities investment conference. The invitation-only event, held last week, was attended by an incredible seven-eighths of the world&CloseCur...
Frank Holmes
September 23, 2019
Tigers. Raaa! The exploration industry loves tigers! Tigers are used as a metaphor in the exploration industry to describe something big -- something fierce -- something rare. Whenever geologists think they're onto a BIG and VALUABLE new discovery they...
Daniel T. Cook
April 3, 2020
(Click image to play video) It’s lighter than air, but its value is heavy. Helium is now shaping up to be an extraordinarily valuable resource, and one Company is sitting on of what could be one of the world’s top reserves. Dese...
Dave Jackson
September 21, 2020