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Buzz on the Bullboards: TSX stocks making headlines this week

The TSX experienced a dynamic week. It opened flat on Monday, but saw a significant jump on Tuesday, driven by a global increase in commodity prices following new monetary stimulus measures in China. However, the energy sector’s decline led to a breather...

NantKwest Shares Jump More than 50% Following JP Morgan Healthcare Conference Presentation

Shares of NantKwest Inc. spiked as much as 85% higher in mid-morning trading setting a new 52-week high price after the company reported a series of positive results at the 38th J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco. The firm reported that complete responses were ...

Gold Terra Resource: 'A Step in the Right Direction'

Gold Terra Resource Corp. (YGT:TSX.V) [which until February 2020 was known as TerraX Minerals] announced last November an overall maiden Inferred resource of 735,000 gold ounces (oz Au). Incremental Positive: The company announced an overall maiden Inferred r...

Mega Solar Project in Puerto Rico Moving Ahead

Greenbriar Capital has signed an agreement for the design and construction of the Caribbean's largest solar project. The economic downturn and the coronavirus pandemic aren't slowing down Greenbriar Capital Corp.'s (GRB:TSX.V; GEBRF:OTC) massive Montalva s...

An Emerging Player, Heading Towards a Production Decision at the Kenbridge Nickel Deposit

(Figure 1. The geological block model for the Kenbridge Nickel Deposit illustrating high grade nickel drill hole intersections from previous drilling campaigns. Image via Tartisan Nickel Corp.) Investors eyeing opportunities in the hot nickel market may have a lot of ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: ‘Till debt do us party

These last few weeks markets across the globe have been swaying up and down. Looking at media headlines, are we about to see a full recovery of the global economy … or is more trouble ahead? Data showed that consumer inflation unexpectedly accelerated in April, th...

History Says Stocks Can Perform Very Well After Big Oil Shocks

HOW CONCERNING IS THE RECENT SPIKE IN OIL PRICES? Monday’s news was filled with blurbs similar to the one below from CNBC: “Stocks fell on Monday amid fears that a surge in oil prices following an attack in Saudi Arabia could slow down global economic g...

The Road Ahead May Be Brighter Than Expectations

THE BIG PICTURE Recent data seems to cast doubt on the seemingly never-ending call for an imminent recession. From a September 20, 2019 Bloomberg article: “The U.S. economy is outperforming expectations by the most this year, offering a fresh rebuttal to last month&C...

This Quebec Gold Explorer Has Exciting Results to Share

(Blue Ribbon Property. Image via Xander Resources .) Despite ongoing volatility, Gold prices have been trending higher, telling a long-term bullish story that has investors excited for the next chapter … … Junior exploration firm Xander Resources Inc. ( TSX-...

Regulatory clarity for market evolution: Canada’s position in global crypto industry

By Shaed Hashimkhial Canada is a forefront contender in financial innovation and cryptocurrency, with significant potential to dominate the digital asset sector. However, opinions vary within the industry; some advocate for clear legislation to support growth, whil...
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