You know that the oil markets have truly gone to the dogs when they are suddenly riskier than one of the world's most volatile commodities: bitcoin. Bitcoin and most cryptocurrencies are synonymous with extreme bouts of volatility. However, it's crude oil that is now earni...
Alex Kimani
February 26, 2020
So it happened – oil reversed lower and we were right there. While yesterday’s downswing has been partially retraced, and oil is trading close to unchanged today, there’re still plenty of valuable clues as to the upcoming price action. Let&Close...
Nadia Simmons
August 15, 2019
As the global economy navigates uncertainties, investors have been watching the performance of key stock markets for insights into prevailing sentiment and economic health. Over the past week, the TSX and the trio of indices on Wall Street – the Dow Jones Industrial A...
Jonathon Brown
March 28, 2024
This shortened holiday week has been full of crazy price rotation, political intrigue, surprise news events and, we are certain, full of headaches for some traders. Still, we managed to pull out four consistently profitable trades for our members by sticking to our proven trad...
Chris Vermeulen
September 9, 2019
There’s a lot of talk about diversification and asset allocation on this website, and rightly so. While diversification can limit large short-term gains, it also protects against large short-term losses. Since the markets tend to be unpredictable, it&CloseC...
Justin Dove
October 28, 2012
(Image via Canopy Growth Corp.) It has been another tumultuous week on Bay St. and Wall St. with investors busy keeping tabs on which way the markets are heading … trajectories change on what seems like a moment’s notice. Weaker metal prices have...
Stockhouse Editorial
January 26, 2022
(Image via Tilray Inc.) A leading global cannabis-lifestyle and consumer packaged goods company, Tilray Inc. ( NASDAQ: TLRY , Forum ) has operations in Canada, the United States, Europe, Australia, and Latin America. SweetWater Brewing Company , a subsidiary o...
Stockhouse Editorial
March 1, 2022
If you’re new to the markets, it’s easy to get scared of volatility. The media certainly makes it out to be a bad thing. But I believe it’s a landmark moment in an investor’s career when he/she realizes...
Marin Katusa
November 15, 2019
The advantage of volatile markets is that investors can see potential entry prices that they have missed in the past. Whether or not it is still worth taking action now, of course, depends on the future prospects. A price correction in the share price usually has its reasons, ...
Mario Hose
May 19, 2020
Low risk precision trading Here at Midas Touch Consulting risk control is our foremost goal . This requires endless hours of backward and forward testing of each individual market, sector, instrument and time frame to stack the odds as best as possible and extract tradin...
Korbinian Koller
May 19, 2020