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Opinion & Analysis Lake Victoria Gold Ltd V.LVG

Alternate Symbol(s):  LVGLF

Lake Victoria Gold Ltd. is a gold exploration and development company. The Company is principally focused on the prospective Lake Victoria Goldfield in Tanzania. The Company has a 100% interest in the Tembo project which has over 50 thousand meters of drilling and is located adjacent to Barrick’s 20 Moz Bulyanhulu Mine. The Company has one remaining license of 32 square kilometers on the Tembo... see more

Opinion & Analysis (TSXV:LVG)

    PODCAST: Striking High-grade Gold in Tanzania

    Dave Jackson September 11, 2019

    VIDEO: PDAC Part 2 - Companies To Watch - Ep 04

    Stockhouse Media March 20, 2019

    The Calandra Report: Serving Royalties, Icebergs, Vaporizers, Masterchefs, Great Panthers & Motifs

    Thom Calandra July 10, 2014

    The Calandra Report: Vaporizers, diamonds and Utah oil

    Thom Calandra March 18, 2014

    The Calandra Report: Buying in on Freegold Ventures

    Thom Calandra March 14, 2014

    The Calandra Report: Everything's coming up Stellar

    Thom Calandra March 7, 2014

    The Calandra Report: Going long on Platinum Group Metals (T.PTM)

    Thom Calandra March 5, 2014

    The Calandra Report: True North Gems, Tembo, and the V.EAM nightmare

    Thom Calandra March 4, 2014

    The Calandra Report: Going deep on Freegold Ventures (T.FVL)

    Thom Calandra February 19, 2014

    The Calandra Report: Tembo Gold (V.TEM) drills deeper with new $8m investment

    Thom Calandra October 8, 2013

    Cash, buck(s), Colombia mining, Afrique

    Thom Calandra July 18, 2013

    Looking for a home run in the golds

    Stockhouse Editorial April 30, 2012