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AI & IoT Innovations Saving Retail During Coronavirus And Beyond

In a time of retail struggles in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, the spotlight is on platforms that can help. Stores and brands have suffered as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has kept people at home, and many non-essential stores have had to close. In the past, this...

Enthusiast Gaming, Facebook, Wirecard - access to the customer counts

Modern society lives in a business world. We allow ourselves to be controlled and guided consciously or unconsciously and make decisions on an ongoing basis. The advertising industry is omnipresent and access to the customer plays a decisive role. The social media and also the...

Revisiting Our ADL Predictions for S&P 500

Our research team authored an article suggesting that our Adaptive Dynamic Learning Predictive Modeling system indicated the US major markets were 12% to 15% overvalued on May 23, 2020. This was just before the last “euphoric” phase of the recent rally ...

Revolutionizing immunotherapies with groundbreaking DPX platform

The following is a transcription of the above video, and The Market Online has edited it for clarity . BioVaxys Technology Corp (CSE:BIOV) is a Canadian-based clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on improving patient lives with novel immunotherapies. CE...

The Company That’s Taking Vertical Growth…Literally.

(Click image to play video) A new green technology may offer investors an ethical and profitable pathway to the future of alternative farming. Affinor Growers Inc. ( CSE.AFI , OTCMKTS: RSSFF , Forum ) is an innovative ag-tech company engaged in acquiring,...

Psyence Group: natural psychedelics for mental health and wellbeing

Our next company works to help people with a focus on natural psychedelics. Psyence Group uses natural psilocybin products to heal psychological trauma and to calm the mind during someone’s last stage of life while in palliative care. Here with us toda...

Buzz on the Bullboards: New Coronavirus Opportunities

Every obstacle can be an opportunity, and the COVID-19 crisis has put the investment spotlight on companies stepping up to the plate. What we once talked about as a looming and uncertain threat has quickly become the new norm. The coronavirus pandemic has upended lives, b...

Surge Battery Metals focuses on lithium-rich Nevada

Surge Battery Metals ( TSXV:NILI ) ( OTC:NILIF ) is an exploration company engaged in many aspects of developing battery metals deposits, the company is fully funded and focused on its summer drill program at its flagship Nevada North Lithium project – Nevada is the stat...

A combined vision to grow a significant copper and gold company

Ecuador-focused copper-gold exploration and development company Adventus (TSXV:ADZN ) and Vancouver-based Luminex Resources (TSXV:LR ) have entered into a merger. The resulting combined company will work towards the advancement of the El Domo copper-gold project. ...

A Real Blockchain Developer goes live, eXeBlock Technology (CSE:XBLK)

Last night I attended the Grit Capital's Banking on Blockchain event in Vancouver, along with seemingly every person I've ever met in this city's financial scene. The place was packed - standing room only in a ballroom that usually seats 300+. HIVE Blockchain (HIVE.V) ...
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