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StockTalk Podcast Exclusive: The Incomparable Bruce Linton

Welcome to StockTalk – the new Stockhouse podcast series that brings you behind-the- scenes insights into trending topics from capital markets influencers and entrepreneurs…broadcasting from the heart of the financial district in downtown Vancouver. In this episode, Sto...

Gold Plunges Below $1,400 On the News of Trade War Truce

Donald and Xi have confirmed their true and everlasting friendship now. Trade wars are over, it’s all rainbows and unicorns - and investors do not need safe havens anymore. Right? The celebratory mood feels great but let’s find out what the trad...

Why This Gold Stock is Up 171% Year-to-date

Although Ontario is Canada’s largest producer of gold, out west in British Columbia, the province is fourth only behind Quebec and Nunavut. British Columbia also hosts the infamous Golden Triangle, situated in the northern region of the province close to t...

On The Track of A New Motherlode

The Fraser River Gold Rush brought thousands of prospectors to British Columbia back in 1858. Fast forward to today and Westhaven Gold ( TSX-V WHN , OTC: WTHVF , Forum ) has defined a million ounces of gold-equivalent resource along the Spences Bridge Gold Belt, wh...

Could There Finally Be an Effective Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease?

ProMIS' preclinical treatment could possibly outshine Biogen's candidate. Finding an effective treatment for Alzheimer's disease has been elusive as many seemingly promising avenues of research did not prove out in clinical trials. Biogen Inc. (BIIB:NASDAQ) appeared...

The S&P 500 Bears Are Getting Started

In yesterday’s flagship Stock Trading Alert, we have evaluated the week just over, and examined the health of the S&P 500 advance. As the S&P 500 declined profoundly yesterday, we’ll revisit the credit markets and one key S&P 500 sector to asses...

Bravada Gold: It's All About the Sinters

Thibaut Lepouttre, editor of the Caesars Report, considers the implications of the deal recently negotiated with OceanaGold for exploration of gold projects in Nevada. Introduction Over the past few years, we noticed one common thing in the mining secto...

Ximen‘s option partner mobilizes for deep drilling to test for a large gold deposit ...

Ximen‘s option partner mobilizes for deep drilling to test for a large gold deposit near Greenwood in British Columbia All Eyes on Gold Drop and Stargate II Ximen Mining Corp. made an announcement today that is poised to draw the attention...

Anixa Licenses Another Potential Blockbuster

In January we proclaimed Anixa Biosciences Inc. (ANIX:NASDAQ) to be Tailwinds' stock of the year. This designation was awarded due to potential major milestones in both the detection and the curing of cancer. With its Cchek prostate diagnostic shooting for CLIA approval...

Investment Contrarians: To Be or Not To Be

With due deference to the greatness of William Shakespeare, the opening line of Hamlet is one that has been found not only in literature, but in film, music and politics, and is a question that has been asked for centuries as to whether the pain we endure in life is pre...
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