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A Key Investment Strategy into Monetizing and Host Webinars

Investors with a keen eye to the live video conferencing technology boom, should look at the entire space beyond Zoom. Enter Personas Social Inc. ( TSX-V.PRSN , OTCMKTS: PRSNF , Forum ) – a unique company engaged in the business of offering live video conferencing ...

Favourable Ruling for Emerita Resources on the Aznalcollar Zinc-Lead-Silver Project in Spain

Full size / The Aznalcóllar open-pit near Seville in southern Spain ( source ). Good news for Emerita Resources Corp. as the company today announced favourable ruling on the Aznalcóllar Zinc-Lead-Silver Project appeal. This is making headlines in the news at...

Silver's Sharp Reaction Back

Technical analyst Clive Maund charts silver and explains why he believes it hasn't hit a final top. Silver reacted back sharply on Thursday and Friday after a parabolic blowoff top. This was not a final top, but it does indicate that silver needs to take a rest and co...

With This Gold Company, It's Time for Investors to Start Looking Forward

Technical analyst Clive Maund discusses why he is upbeat about Tanzanian Gold. Tanzanian Gold Corp. (TRX:NYSE; TNX:TSX) stock got clobbered by a big financing last December, and then it got beaten down further to a low in March when the entire market caved in, inc...

Once in a Blue Moon Short/Put Set Up

echnical analyst Clive Maund charted the S&P 500 and saw a "perfect shorting set-up." Note: This article was originally published on July 31 before the Fed's rate announcement. The charts we will look at in this update suggest that this is a perfect shor...

Technical Analyst Profiles a 'Promising Copper & Gold Stock'

Technical analyst Clive Maund charts this copper and gold stock that is exploring a project in British Columbia that he rates an "immediate buy." Libero Copper and Gold Corp. (LBC:TSX.V:, LBCMF:OTCQB) is looking attractive here. The fundamentals for the company are b...

Energy Stock Is 'Looking to Break Out of Large Base'

Technical analyst Clive Maund explains why he believes this company with projects in Thailand and Indonesia is about ready to start another upleg. Pan Orient Energy Corp. (POE:TSX.V) presents an overall positive picture of a stock that is probably on the verge of break...

Junior Gold Stock 'On the Up'

Technical analyst Clive Maund charts a junior explorer and explains why he sees it as a speculative buy. Although we are generally aiming to gravitate towards the large and mid-cap gold stocks during the early stages of the sector bull market, it is worth considering ...

Technical Analyst Expects Health Technologies Firm to Break Higher

Technical analyst Clive Maund outlines the reasons this stock might break higher. Reliq Health Technologies Inc. (RHT:TSX.V; RQHTF:OTCQB) , which we bought back into at the start of July , has certainly done well for us, as we can see on its latest six-month chart, an...

Technical Analyst: As Antibiotic Resistance Rises, So May the Stock of This Livestock Feed Company

Technical analyst Clive Maund believes this stock could gain traction soon. Avivagen Inc. (VIV:TSX.V) is an interesting company because it makes farm animal feed that is free of antibiotics, which is becoming a hot topic now that over half of China's swine herd is se...
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